The face of the 21sl century is already growing in a laboratory. Getting a piece of the new look could soon be as simple as writing a cheque.
Scientists in recent years have made giant leaps in the artificial production of skin, bones and tissue. While their research has been motivated by a desire to help accident and medical victims, their work is about to go commercial.
The burgeoning (萌芽) cosmetic surgery market has snapped up the technological advances. By the turn of the 21st century, changing your face or improving your body will be limited not by your imagination or desire, but by the size of your bank account.
And there is even work being done on that, with the costs of cosmetic surgery being cut to make it affordable and accessible for the average woman and her partner.
"It’s no longer a vanity thing, it’s simply making use of the available technology to improve those parts of the body you might not be happy wit
A. if you want to change your face or improve your body, you can do it easily
B. if you have enough money, you can undergo any cosmetic surgery
C. the technology will advance beyond your imagination
D. the technology will develop rapidly if there is enough fund
At the present time, 98 percent of the
world energy consumption comes from stored sources, such as fossil fuels or
nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completely renewable
sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel
reserves, solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the
development of controlled thermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term
solution to the world’s energy crisis. Within about 100 years, the thermal
pollution resulting from our increased energy consumption will make solar energy
a necessity at any cost. Man’s energy consumption is currently about one part in ten thousand that of the energy we receive from the sun. However, it is growing at a 5 percent rate, of which about 2 percent represents a population growth and 3 percent a per capita energy increase. If [单项选择]战国时代的()说:“万物皆备于我”。
A. 庄子 B. 孔子 C. 老子 D. 创造力 [多项选择]房地产中介服务行业按服务内容可分为( )。
A. 建筑设计 B. 房地产估价 C. 房地产咨询 D. 城市规划 E. 房地产经纪 [单选题]ZD6转辙机的正反向摩擦电流相差不应大于( )。
A.0.1A B.0.2A C.0.3A D.0.4A [单选题]合同转让是指()。
A.合同的标的发生变化 B.合同的主体发生变化 C.合同标的物的品质发生变化 D.合同的价款发生变化 [不定项选择](二)某一中等城市,经对周边县改区后扩大为大城市,根据地价管理的要求需作基准地价更新评估。现委托一土地评估机构进行评估,基准地价评估期为2004年1月1日。该机构在评估过程中调查了相关资料。
该城市基准地价评估的工作地图选择的比例尺应为( )。
A. 1:1000~1 0 2000 B. 1:2000~1:5000 C. 1:5000~1:10000 D. 1:10000~1:50000 [单项选择]二级和二级以下道路纵断面测量中的中平测量,其测量精度要求检测限差不超过()mm。
A. ±10 B. ±12 C. ±15 D. ±18 [判断题]不办理产权转移手续的房产赠与不用缴纳契税。
[单选题]针对不同对象的多媒体课件有不同的评价标准,主要包括科学性、教育性、技术性、艺术性和__( )_____
A.共享性 B.实用性 C.美观性 D.丰富性 我来回答: 提交