一颊部穿通伤患者,前来急诊 |
Corporate social responsibility and
sustainability are ethical choices that companies make about how they do
business. Current thinking indicates that, as a society, we are beginning to
appreciate more fully that there must be limits to our consumption of natural
resources, and that business activities must take greater account of this impact
on society and economies, as well as the environment in which we live. It is
well documented that the corporate sector is in a position of unparalleled
dominance and that the global resources of a rising number of multinational
companies dwarf many of the national economies in which they operate. Market liberalisation and p A. a decrease in the size of certain economies B. a growth in knowledge of how resources affect economies C. a decrease in the resources available to companies D. a growth in the number of choices available to companies [多项选择]下列有关法的适用的表述,哪些是错误的( )
A. 法的适用是行政机关的执法活动 B. 法的适用仅实施程序法的规定 C. 法的适用过程中不存在法律监督 D. 法的适用应做到既公正又有效率 [单选题]有砟轨道大型养路机械捣固,五捣三稳作业后,第三列限速为多少
A.110 B.100 C.90 D.160 [单选题]大型养路机械换砟应( )防护。
A.办理封锁施工手续,设置移动停车信号 B.办理慢行手续,设置移动减速信号 C.办理临时封锁施工手续,设置停车手信号 D.设置作业标 [单选题]推进车辆连挂时,要显示十、五、三车的距离信号,没有显示十、五、三车的距离信号,不准挂车,没有司机回示,应立即显示( )。
A.连结信号 B.推进信号 C.停车信号 D.启动信号 [单选题]消防员出现违反法律、法规、规章以及上级的决定
A.行政 B.纪律 C.刑事 D.开除 [单选题]信用担保机构对单个被担保人提供的融资性担保责任余额不得超过净资产的( )。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [单选题]具备采用换弓、退行闯分相等方式自救时,司机应准确报告电力机车(动车组)( )。
A.停车位置 B.分相长度 C.线路坡度 [判断题]160t电炉有14块水冷壁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述矿物的比重。
A.坚忍不拔 B.机智果敢 C.崇尚荣誉 D.报效祖国 [判断题]应按照版本升级计划规定的时间(如:凌晨4点前,否则可能来不及回退)内对升级后的测试结果进行判断,根据“版本升级成功判定依据确认本次升级版本是否加载成功并进入正常运行
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交