A common assumption about the private
sector of education is that it caters only to the elite.{{U}} (31)
{{/U}}recent research points in the opposite direction. If we want to help
some of most{{U}} (32) {{/U}}group in society, then encouraging deeper
private sector{{U}} (33) {{/U}}is likely to be the best way
forward. Several developments are{{U}} (34) {{/U}}in India, all of which involve the private education sector meeting the{{U}} (35) {{/U}}of the poor in distinct ways.{{U}} (36) {{/U}}India is not unique in this respect—similar phenomena are happening all over the developing world. As a point of departure, how do government schools serve the poor Usefully, the government sponsored Public Report on Basic Education in India from 1999 paints a very{{U}} (37) {{/U}}picture of the"{{U}} (38) {{/U}}"of the government A. ongoing B. outgoing C. preceding D. underway [判断题]在OSI的网络体系结构中,数据的加密和压缩等功能是在表示层实现的()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.14.
国家电网财〔2016〕633号明确要求,最大需量计费应以电网企业与电力用户合同确定的最大需量值为依据 ,用户实际最大需量超过合同确定值105%时,超过105%部分的基本电费加()倍收取;未超过合同确定值 105%的,按合同确定值收取。 A.二 B.一 C.三 D.四 [多选题] "液上半固定泡沫灭火系统有哪些部件组成()。
A.泡沫液供应源 B.泡沫比例混合器 C.泡沫产生器 D.管路" [单项选择]篮球()技术的合理运用,是具有防御和攻击效果的动作组合。
A. 进攻技术 B. 防守技术 C. 掩护配合 D. 传切配合 [单项选择]患者,女性,21岁,高热1周,抗生素治疗无效,胸骨压痛阳性,浅表淋巴结及肝脾不大,白细胞3.0×109/L,Hb20g/L,血小板5×109/L,骨髓原始细胞增多,以胞浆内有粗大颗粒的幼稚细胞占多数,亦见Auer小体,首选的治疗方法()
A. COPP方案 B. VP方案 C. 全反式维甲酸 D. 羟基脲 E. 瘤可宁 [判断题]学生认知结构的不断分化所依靠的学习形式是上位学习。( )
[多选题]在露天使用起重机,应注意( )。
A.机身上不得随意安设增加受风面积的设施 B.起重机驾驶室内,冬天可装有电气取暖设备,在作业人员离开时,应切断电源 C.起重机驾驶室内可使用电炉取暖 D.起重机驾驶室内不准用煤火炉取暖 [单选题]精整( )辊道上设有板坯对中装置。
A.A3 B.B3 C.D3 D.E3 [单选题]存放爆破器材的库房温度不得超过( )。
A.18℃ B.20℃ C.25℃ D.30℃ [单选题] 最有效,最简便,最廉价保护好牙齿的方法是()
* A. .窝沟封闭 B. .涂氟 C. .少吃糖 D. . 刷好牙 [多选题]省级智慧能源服务平台与“绿色国网”集成主要包括()。
A.A、应用集成; B.数据集成; C.界面集成; D.以上答案都不对 [单选题]患者老年男性,胸痛反复发作半年,刻下心痛彻背,背痛彻心,疼痛剧烈,身寒肢冷,喘不能卧,舌苔白,脉沉紧,治疗首选
A.瓜蒌薤白半夏汤 B.参附汤 C.丹参饮 D.乌头赤石脂丸合苏合香丸 E.生脉散 [单选题]做心肺复苏需要用左手( )紧贴病人的胸部,两手重叠,左手五指翘起。
A.手掌 B.掌跟 C.手背 [多选题]GB50325-2010(2013年版)规定民用建筑工程室内使用( )应测定VOCs和游离甲醛的含量。
A.混凝土外加剂 B.水性胶粘剂 C.水性处理剂 D.水性涂料 [单项选择]男性,25岁,刀刺伤及左腹股沟部半小时,局部加压包扎后来院。查体:脉搏不清,血压45/0mmHg。神志不清,意识反应差,无尿。病人失血量约占全身血容量的()。
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 20%~40% E. 大于40% [填空题]( )是事故隐患排查、治理和防控责任主体。
[单选题]网络营销是指借助于来实现营销目标的一种营销方式。( )
A.移动、电脑和数字媒体技术 B.网络、通信和数字媒体技术 C.移动、通信和数字媒体技术 D.网络、电脑和数字媒体技术 [判断题]水上作业应有救生衣或救生船等设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Among the many other things it is, a portrait is always a record of the personal and artistic encounter that produced it. It is possible for artists to produce portraits of individuals who have not sat for them, but the portrait that finally emerges normally betrays the restrictions under which the artist has been forced to labor. Even when an artist’’s portrait is simply a copy of someone else’’s work-as in the many portraits of Queen Elizabeth I that were produced during her lifetime-the never-changing features of a ruler who refused to sit for her court painters reflect not only the supposed powers of an ever-youthful queen but the remoteness of those attempting to depict her as well.
Portraits are "occasional" not only in the sense that they are closely tied to particular events in the lives of their subjects but in the sense that there is usually an occasion-however brief, uncomfortable, artificial, or unsatisfactory it may prove to be-in which the artist and subject directly c
A. she instructed court painters to portray her younger than she actually was. B. all her portraits available for copying were painted when she was young. C. she intended her portrait to be painted young to reflect her ruling powers. D. artists purposely made her portraits appear younger than her actual age. [判断题]人体触及带电的导体称为触电
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防救援队伍应适应职业化建设新要求,跟进落实( )等措施。
A. 个人健康档案 B. 职业体检 C. 疗休养 D. 职业荣誉及优抚 [单项选择]最具竞争性的招标采购方式是( )。
A. 公开性招标采购 B. 限制性招标采购 C. 邀请性招标采购 D. 选择性招标采购 [多选题]铁路路基基床表层填料应选用( )。
A.石灰稳定土 B.级配砂砾石 C.级配碎石 D.水泥稳定土 E.沥青混凝土 [单选题]以下特点中不属于面向对象程序设计的特点的是().
A.A:单一性 B.B:继承性 C.C:封装性 D.D:多态性 [判断题]CRH1A型动车组前端车钩钩头内装有列车风管、制动风管、解钩风管通路。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交