Working at nonstandard times--evenings,
nights, or weekends—is taking its toll on American families.
One-fifth of all employed Americans work variable or rotating shifts, and one-
third work weekends, according to Harriet B.Presser, sociology professor at the
University of Maryland. The result is stress on familial relationships, which is
likely to continue in coming decades. The consequences of working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, and whether or not children are involved. Single mothers are more likely to work nights and weekends than married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other low-paying jobs participate disproportionately in working late and graveya A. Children. B. Parents. C. Employees. D. Professional child providers. [单项选择]
He has been called the "missing link." Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world - Mount Everest. [单选题]股票期权的行权价( )会对经理班子产生最大压力。
A.低于现值0% B.低于现值10% C.高于现值20% D.高于现值10% [填空题] 单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,( )的确认由机车司机负责。
A.调控人员 B.检修人员 C.运维人员 D.有权执行操作的人员 [单选题]搭拆跨越电力线路的跨越架时,施工作业人员应在跨越架()侧攀登或作业。
A.上 B.下 C.外 D.内 E./ F./ [单项选择]肉芽肿的主要构成是()
A. 中性粒细胞 B. 巨噬细胞 C. 嗜酸性粒细胞 D. 淋巴细胞 [填空题]常用防护剂处理木材的方法有()、()和()。
A.拐卖儿童罪 B.故意伤害罪 C.过失致人死亡罪 D.绑架罪 [单选题]HXN5型机车柴油机在热机模式下,最低温度冷却水(从子冷却器2出来的水)输送至(),防止柴油机过热。
A.中冷器 B.润滑油冷却器 C.燃油预热器 D.空气压缩机 [多项选择]原发性肾小球病临床分型有()
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. 慢性肾小球性肾炎 C. 急进性肾小球肾炎 D. 肾病综合征 E. 隐匿性肾小球性肾炎 [多选题] 男青年赵某因在公交车上猥亵女青年吴某被公安机关给予治安管理处罚。下列说法正确的有( )。
A.赵某和吴某都有权申请行政复议,但被侵害人吴某无权提起行政诉讼 B.赵某申请行政复议就不能再提起行政诉讼 C.赵某对行政复议决定不服的,可以再提起行政诉讼 D.赵某应当在法定的时限内提起行政诉讼 [单选题]管道在做功能性试验时,管段注满水后,宜在不大于工作压力条件下充分浸泡后再进行水压试验,浸泡时间规定:内径小于1000mm的现浇钢筋混凝土管渠、预应力混凝土管、预应力钢筒混凝土管不少于( )h。
A.72 B.36 C.48 D.24 [单项选择]经济体制的核心是
A. 所有制关系 B. 分配机制 C. 社会资源调配机制 D. 发展机制 我来回答: 提交