对诊断帮助最大的检查是() If you are a tourist interested in
seeing a baseball game while in New York, you can find out which of its teams
are in town simply by sending a message to AskForCents.com. In a few minutes,
the answer comes back, apparently supplied by a machine, but actually composed
by a human. Using humans to process information in a machine-like way is not
new: it was pioneered by the Mechanical Turk, a famed 18th-century chess-playing
machine that was operated by a hidden chessmaster. But while computers have
since surpassed the human brain at chess, many tasks still baffle even the most
powerful electronic brain. For instance, computers can find you a baseball schedule, but they cannot tell you directly if the Yankees are in town. Nor can they tell you whether sitting in the bleachers is a good idea on a first date. AskForCents can, because it A. show the extensive influence of Turk on the commercial world. B. substantiate endeavors to apply human intelligence to computer analysis. C. show the strength of collective brainpower of computer game players. D. substantiate people’s abilities of sorting photographs while playing games. [判断题]承建加油加气站建筑工程的施工单位应具有建筑工程相应的资质。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在ZXMP M800 设备中,我们规定A向业务进入节点的一侧称为该节点的A侧,输出节点的一侧称为节点的B侧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]阴囊显像中,下列哪种疾病可导致睾丸在灌注相、血池相均显示"放射性缺损区"()
A. 睾丸肿瘤 B. 急性睾丸蒂扭转 C. 睾丸脓肿 D. 外伤 E. 急性睾丸附睾炎 [单选题]中国政府第一次公开提出和平解决台湾问题的方针,是在()中。
A.全国人大常委会《告台湾同胞书》 B.《论十大关系》 C.第 D.中美上海公报 [单项选择]“循序而渐进,熟读而精思”由()提出。
A. 孔子 B. 孟子 C. 朱熹 D. 老子 [单选题]对雷电保护等级为特级的通信导航监视设施其接闪器保护范围宜按半径()米计算。
A.15 B.30 C.45 D.60 [判断题]网络新闻的特性:信息量大、方便快捷、多媒体传播。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]当社会总需求大于总供给,经济增长过热时,中央银行应采取紧缩性货币政策,其主要措施有( )。
A. 提高法定准备金 B. 提高贴现率 C. 在市场上公开购买政府债券 D. 在市场上公开抛售政府债券 我来回答: 提交