The average age for women to marry is between 18 and 25.25 tend to (1) when somewhat older. A church wedding often (2) the legal civil ceremony, and a large reception, which often involves (3) music and dancing, is held in the evening. Wedding traditions include (4) money on the bride’s dress to represent future prosperity, the groom (5) the bride at her home, and the couple pulling on opposite (6) of a loaf of bread—whoever gets the largest piece will be (7) boss of the family. Honeymoons are a new tradition.
The principle (8) mutual support is valued in the Bulgarian family. The elderly are (9) cared for by their adult children. Unmarried adults live with their (10) and many newly married couples live with one set of parents (11) they are able to get housing of their own. Most families (12) urban areas live in apartments, which are in short
supply, while<
We usually think of pollution as a
harmful waste substance that threatens the air and water. {{U}} (1)
{{/U}}some people have become{{U}} (2) {{/U}}about another kind of
pollution. It can be everywhere, depending on the time of day. {{U}} (3)
{{/U}}it is not thought of as a{{U}} (4) {{/U}}. It is
light. The idea of light pollution has{{U}} (5) {{/U}}with the increase of{{U}} (6) {{/U}}in cities. In many areas, this light makes it{{U}} (7) {{/U}}to observe stars and planets in the night sky. In 1922, the International Dark-Sky Association formed. This organization wants to reduce light pollution in the{{U}} (8) {{/U}}sky. It also{{U}} (9) {{/U}}the effective use of electric lighting. Light pollution is the{{U}} (10) {{/U}}of wasted energy. Bright light that shines into the sky is not being used to provide light{{U}} A. lights B. resources C. channels D. pollutions [简答题]休去倚危栏,斜阳正在,烟柳断肠处。(《摸鱼儿》)解释句中“危栏”的含义。
[单项选择]关于投资组合保险策略的优点,下列各项正确的是( )。
A. 由于交易量较小,可以减少交易成本 B. 可以在较长时间范围内维持既定的理财规划方案 C. 此种调整方式符合高卖低买的原则,在调整的市场行情中可来回获利 D. 在最坏的情况下,进行停损操作之后,总资产市值仍然维持在可接受范围之内 [单选题](单选题)矿山救护队员在灾区内行进或作业时,时刻注意周围情况,发现异常现象立即报告( )
A.小队长 B.中队长 C.大队长 [配伍题]氨苄西林引起的急性肾衰常常是()
A. 急性肾小管坏死 B. 急性过敏性间质性肾炎 C. 尿渗透压增高 D. 尿渗透压降低 E. 梗阻性肾病 [单选题]下列关于权利质权的表述,不正确的是() 。( )
A.汇票可以质押 B.依法可以转让的股票可以质押 C.提单可以质押 D.公路渡口的收益权不可以质押 [多选题]下列那些选项正确( )
A.重度酒精中毒者需仰卧或侧卧,以免呕吐物误入呼吸道; B.发现患者煤气中毒时,应立刻将其平卧放置,脱离中毒现场; C.根据中暑症状的轻重,可分为先兆中暑、轻症中暑和重症中暑; D.烧伤深度可分三级Ⅰ度最轻,Ⅲ度最重。 [单项选择]某地区种植的蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量较高,为降低其含量可使用______。
A. 氮肥 B. 磷肥 C. 钾肥 D. 钼肥 [单项选择]女性,38岁,某皮鞋厂仓库保管员,办公室设在仓库内,近年来常感头痛、头昏、乏力、失眠、记忆力减退、易感冒、月经过多、牙龈出血,皮下有紫癜而入院为确定接触毒物种类应进一步检查的项目是()
A. 血小板 B. 尿酚 C. 血象 D. 白细胞 E. 红细胞 [简答题]人机交互的基本交互技术有哪些?
[单选题]凡是主张社会存在决定社会意识的属于( )
A.形而上学 B.唯物史观 C.唯心史观 D.英雄史观 [单项选择]房地产开发是一项综合性经济活动,投资额大,建设周期长,涉及面广。要想使开发项目达到预期的经济效果,必须首先做好( )工作。
A. 项目策划 B. 项目方案的设计 C. 可行性研究 D. 成本收益分析 [单选题]I型糖尿病患者占整个糖尿病患者的比例约为( )
A.5% B.90% C.4% D.1% [单项选择]关于眼睑下垂的叙述,以下哪项是错误的:()。
A. 因风袭、脾虚、外伤等使眼部筋脉损伤所致 B. 治疗取足太阴、手足阳明经穴为主 C. 毫针刺用补法 D. 以远部取穴和近部取穴相结合 E. 攒竹、丝竹空、阳白是常用穴 [多选题]下列说法正确的是:
A.建筑工程施工现场的消防安全由施工单位负责。 B.实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位负责。 C.分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的消防安全管理。 D.对建筑物进行局部改建、扩建和装修的工程,建设单位应当与施工单位在订立的合同中明确各方对施工现场的消防安全责任。 [单项选择]下列哪种不属于常用的局麻药
A. 利多卡因 B. 可卡因 C. 普鲁卡因 D. 丁卡因 E. 布比卡因 [单项选择]定性分析被测眼双眼同时视功能及平面融合功能,采用()。
A. 水平对齐视标 B. Worth四点视标 C. 偏振平衡视标 D. 远交叉视标 [单选题]()设备是为了保证站内行车和调车作业的安全,在有关的道岔和信号机之间,以及信号机与信号机之间建立相互制约的关系,为完成这种关系而安装的设备。
A.信号 B.行车 C.闭塞 D.联锁 [单选题]安全生产费用作为企业自提的费用,其使用需满足监管要求,下列项目中,不应纳入安全生产费用使用范围的是()。
A.组织安全教育培训 B.为企业职工配备个体防护装备 C.新技术的推广竞赛 D.重大隐患治理 我来回答: 提交