Passage Four
During the American War of Independence, women were involved in the active fighting in three ways. First, as members of a distinct branch of the Continental Army, referred to as "Women of the Army," women staffed field hospitals and acted as military support in such roles as water carriers. In an emergency, women water carders, who had plenty of opportunity to observe the firing of cannons, could replace a wounded comrade. The second way that women were involved in active fighting was as regular troop members who wore men’s uniforms and fought side by side with their male counterparts. Theoretically, women were not supposed to be recruited into the Continental Army, but if a woman was a good soldier, no one made an issue of sex at a time when the army was so short of: soldiers that boys not yet in their teens were also being recruited in violation of rules. Third, women were occasional fighters affiliated with local militia companies or
A. they had observed the procedure and could therefore substitute for disabled men
B. local militia companies had trained them very carefully for emergency fighting
C. they had a better safety record than man for using weapons
D. it was against the law for young boys to fire weapons
A person becomes part of the Christian
community through baptism--it is a matter of choice{{U}} (21)
{{/U}}birth. The Christian community is a gathered community{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that they have salvation{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}. It is open to males and females of any age, race, or{{U}}
(24) {{/U}}. A Christian is normally affiliated with a particular
parish or congregation that is{{U}} (25) {{/U}}the care of a particular
clergyperson. A baptized person is usually{{U}} (26) {{/U}}a Christian
by all Christians everywhere; however, there may be some additional requirements
to meet if a person{{U}} (27) {{/U}}to a church of a different
tradition. Giving money and goods needed by others{{U}} (28) {{/U}}a part of Christian living. Some Christians engage in tithing, the{{U}} (29) {{/U}}of 10 perce A. may B. can C. must D. are obliged to [单选题]增值税一般纳税人兼营不同税率的货物或应税劳务,术分别核算或不能准确核算
其销售额的,其增值税税率的确定方法是( ): A.ll从低适用税率 B.l从高适用税率 C.l适用平均税率 D.适用3%的征收率 [多选题]金信流水贷是指农信机构对使用____的经营者(包括小微企业业主、个体工商户等,),基于客户信用及相关流水,予以经营性贷款支持的人民币贷款。
A.辽宁农信POS机 B.一码付 C.行社内交易账户 D.行外交易账户 [判断题]车站调车操作方式的车站,应根据作业内容、设备情况等制定车站调车作业办法,并抄送相关调度所、机务段。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]We__________have proved great adventurers,but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.
A.needn't B.may not C.shouldn't D.mustn't [判断题]汇总记账凭证账务处理程序的缺点在于保持账户之间的对应关系。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]凡连接大便器的排水管段,其管径不得小于()。
A.50mm. B.75mm. C.100mm. D.150mm [多选题]新民主主义经济纲领是
A.没收封建地主阶级土地归农民所有 B.没收官僚资产阶级的垄断资本归新新民主主义的国家所有 C.保护民族工商业 D.对资本主义经济采取利用和限制的政策 [单选题]《普修规》使用扣板扣件时,站线半径在( )及以下的曲线地段,钢轨外侧应使用加宽铁座。
A.450m B.500m C.600m D.800m [单项选择]功能小梁是指
A. 小梁前2/3 B. 小梁后2/3 C. 小梁后1/3 D. 全部小梁网 E. 小梁前1/3 [多选题]《JJG169-2010》互感器校验仪检定规程适用范围:适用于(____)比例误差的互感器校验仪的首次检定、后续检定和使用中的检验。
A.测量电流互感器 B.工作频率为50Hz C.采用差值法原理 D.测量电压互感器 [单选题]以下文员的工作顺序中,哪一项是正确的?()。
A.没有任何设想就应着手从事该项工作 B.文员也应具有适当判断情况,机智应对的应变能力 C.上司分派两项以上工作时,按照先来后到顺序进行 D.上司所指示的工作如果不合适,可以不实施 [多选题]生产控制大区内()和()应该统一部署恶意代码防护系统,采取防范恶意代码措施。
A.主站端 B.调度数据网 C.内网安全监管平台 D.重要的厂站端 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交