Prior to the 20th century, many languages
with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly
interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult for small language
communities to live in relative isolation, which is a key factor in language
maintenance and preservation. It remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic and cultural diversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear to work against it. population growth, which pushes migrant populations into the world’s last isolated locations; mass tourism; global telecommunications and mass media; and the spread of gigantic gl A. uncertain B. unrealistic C. foreseeable D. definite [名词解释]瀑布模式
A. 户外照明宜采用自动控制 B. 户外照明和道路照明应采用高压钠灯 C. 气体放电灯应装设补充电容器,补偿后的功率因数不应低于0.85 D. 在保证照明质量的前提下,应优先采用开启式灯具 [单选题]B-C-J-0041 1 3
DCS的冗余包括:电源冗余、( )的冗余、控制回路的冗余、过程数据高速公路的冗余等。 A.输入/输出模块 B.数据处理 C.通信 D.回路诊断 [多选题]下列证据中,属于行政诉讼证据种类的有( )
A.视听资料 B.证人证言 C.鉴定结论 D.现场笔录 [判断题]经过银行存款余额调节表调节后的存款余额,是企业可动用的银行存款实有数。 ( )
A.某国有银行发行的一年期理财产品 B.一年期国债 C.沪深300指数 D.某股份制银行发行的一年期债券 [判断题]工务机械车在站内停车待避时,应采取 保压制动 ;发动机熄火等待时,应做好防溜,司机不得同时离车。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]解释连续旋转堆煤法。
[单选题]中等浓度氧疗,吸氧浓度为 ( )
A.20~40% B.30~50% C.40~60% D.50~70% [判断题]汽车各机件自然磨损和消耗是导致汽车异常工况的原因之一。
A.摄像及摄像控制 B.冷却系统 C.显示及多台摄像显示切换装置 D.保护控制系统 [填空题]红利派发:在每年的一月一日至保单当年度生效对应日之间终止(死亡、退保)的保险合同,不给付()。解除合同或终止合同时,合同项下累计应付红利及利息与退保金、保险金一并清算。对于终止处理时已超过合同当年生效对应日,但本公司尚未实际派发当年度红利的保险合同,投保人在红利派发时仍可正常领取
A. 血压下降 B. 中心静脉压下降 C. 脉压下降 D. 心脏指数下降 E. 组织灌注量不足及细胞缺氧 [填空题]
Physical activity through sports can enhance your child’s physical health. Sports can also have a positive effect on his mental health. Sports participation helps children ___21___ life skills suck as learning to ___22___ with loss and disappointment these mental health benefits can be ____23____ helpful during the challenging years of adolescence. As your child grows and his body changes, confidence and self-esteem ___24___ from a positive body image. ____25____ sports participation helps your child____26____ a healthy weight and see his body as a ___27___ to succeed on the playing field. A good body image improves mental health so that your child is less ___28___ to experience feelings of low self-worth. Children who participate ____29___ sports must learn to work with their teammates to ____30____ a goal. Through sports, a child is ___31___ to build confidence in his abilities. Winning does not have to be the only confidence builder. A ___32___ pass or assist during a ga [单选题]对自然人多次取得同一被投资企业股权的,转让部分股权时,确定其股权原值的方法是( )。
A.净资产核定法 B.类比法 C.加权平均法 D.参照法 [判断题]距掘进工作面30~50M范围内,应安设电话;距采煤工作面两端10~20M范围内,应分别安设电话;采掘工作面的巷道长度大于1000M时,在巷道中部应安设电话。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 根据《特种设备目录》,机动工业车辆指叉车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]弛张热()
A. 常见于登革热的热型 B. 常见于伤寒、大叶性肺炎的高热期的热型 C. 常见于流行性感冒的热型 D. 常见于败血症、伤寒缓解期的热型 E. 常见于疟疾、淋巴瘤的热型 [单项选择]依据我国《合同法》的规定,限制民事行为能力人签订的合同,在未经其法定代理人追认之前,则该合同( )。
A. 有效 B. 无效 C. 效力待定 D. 部分有效 [单项选择]组织结构变革常招致各方面的抵制和反对,以下不属于其表现的是( )。
A. 生产经营情况恶化 B. 工作效率降低 C. 要求离职的人员增多 D. 市场占有率缩小 [单选题]预防刺激性气体所致肺水肿的关键是
A. 给氧 B. 注射强心剂 C. 早期足量皮质激素的应用 D. 控制感染 E. 止咳、化痰 [填空题]党的三大作风:( )( )( );
[单选题]下述哪一项不属于视动性反射检查 ( )
A.扫视试验 B.平衡跟踪试验 C.慢谐波加速度试验 D.OKN E.注视试验 [单项选择]根据国家标准规定LB4铝包钢线,其导电率为()1ACS。
A. 20.3% B. 27% C. 30% D. 40% [单项选择] 统计表