其病因为() Halfway through" The Rebel Sell," the
authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to
ensure that dinner was not in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all
well and good. But "a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving
earthworm": given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark
comer of the barn. Only about 15% of "free-range" chickens actually use the
space available to them. This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that "the countercult A. introduce the topic of anti-consumerism. B. draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm. C. stress the fact that chickens don’ t actually want much space. D. point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice. [单项选择]()营销策略的优点在于能够节约成本。首先,产品单一,可以节省产品开发、业务管理成本、信息支持系统成本。其次,该营销组合,意味着单一的产品、价格、分销和促销,降低了市场细分调研、营销组合规划和促销推动的相关成本。
A. 无差异营销 B. 差异营销 C. 集中营销 D. 分散营销 [单选题]在同一线路内连续连挂作业时,如车组间隔距离不大于十车,准许以不超过( )的速度不停车连续连挂(超过2.5‰下坡道的线路除外)
A.A、5km/h B.B、10km/h C.C、15km/h D.D、 [判断题]围绕预算管理的主要内容和环节,完善涵盖绩效目标管理、绩效运行监控、绩效评价管理、评价结果应用等各环节的管理流程,制定预算绩效管理制度和实施细则。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]参加“博览群书”测评,每通过1本书,可获得相应的学分,获得的素质学分( )。
A.可累加 B.不可累加 C.不设上限 D.不超过10分 [填空题]道依茨风冷柴油机( )的作用,是限制润滑系统的最高油压,防止润滑系统产生过高压力。
[多项选择]在仲裁程序中,一方当事人因为另一方当事人的行为或者其他原因,可能使裁决不能执行或者难以执行的,可以申请采取财产保全措施。申请财产保全的正确程序是什么 ( )。
A. 由当事人向仲裁委员会提出申请 B. 由当事人向人民法院提出申请 C. 当事人未提出申请但仲裁委员会认为必要时,可向人民法院提出采取财产保全措施的请求 D. 仲裁委员会将当事人的申请提交人民法院 [单项选择]According to the writer, the original notion on the productivity gains of the 1990s turns out to be
A. somewhat superficial, B. quite trustworthy. C. rather misleading. D. very illuminating. [多项选择]经营预包装食品、散装食品的经营者,销售熟食制品应()。
A. 配备微波炉等加热设施 B. 不需要设更衣或洗手设施 C. 配备专用工具 D. 设置隔离设施 [单选题] 调节二通常开电磁阀相邻球阀开度的大小可以调节主阀的( )。
A.开启响应速度 B.关闭响应速度 C.开启或关闭响应速度 D.流量大小 [判断题]行政诉讼中只有被告负举证责任,原告不承担举证责任()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交