工作名称 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
紧前工作 | - | -
A.年度审计工作目标 B.具体审计项目名称、立项思路、频率及其内容 C.审计资源分配 D.审计结果运用 E.后续审计的安排 [单项选择]
Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. (1) the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly (2) to live shorter lives. This suggests that (3) bulbs burn longer, that there is an (4) in not being too terrifically bright. [单选题]性肾衰竭时高血压的发病机制,下列哪项是正确的( )
A..肾素-血管紧张素水平升高 B..血容量扩张 C..血容量扩张与肾素-血管紧张素平衡失调 D.激肽系统的作用 E..交感神经兴奋性改变 [单项选择]Two related paradoxes also emerge from the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of discursive thought.
At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form—to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succeed in this task, for, by separating the content from the particular form, it abolishes its individuality. The content presented then ceases to be the exact content of that work of ar A. The content and form of the work of art cannot be separated from each other. B. The content of the work of art is always the true object of aesthetic interest. C. The content presented without any individuality is not the content of the work of art. D. The content understood by means of a process of discursive thought is no more than a husk. [单项选择]医疗器械经营企业擅自扩大经营范围、降低经营条件的,由药品监督管理部门责令限期整改,予以通报批评,并处()。
A. 5000元以上,1万元以下罚款 B. 5000元以上,2万元以下罚款 C. 1万元以上,2万元以下罚款 D. 注销《医疗器械经营企业许可证》 [多选题]在工作中,允许使用一张工作票的情况有( )。
A.A.在不同地点、不同设备系统依次进行同类型的检修工作,如全部安全措施能在工作开始前一次完成。 B.B.在同一设备系统上依次进行同类型的设备检修工作。 C.C.在同一设备系统、同一安全措施范围内有多个班组同时进行工作。 D.D.技术供水泵和厂用电配电盘同时检修。 [简答题]任何单位或者个人对事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为,均有权向( )报告或者举报。
[单选题]多辆机动车同时装卸,沿纵向前后车的间距不得小于( )米。
A.1; B.2; C.3; D.4 [单选题]男,48岁。发作性胸痛 1个月,每次发作含硝酸甘油后缓解,考虑冠心病心绞痛。最常用的检查方态是( )
A.心脏 X 线摄片 B.心电图运动负荷试验 C.放射性核素检查 D.动态心电图 E.超声心动图 [判断题]程序性知识是关于怎样完成某种活动的知识。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各级、各部门人员,都应执行有关安全生产的法律法规和上级有关规程规定,落实各项安全生产措施,接受安全监督管理机构的安全监督和指导。在生产工作的同时,( )安全工作。
A.计划 B.布置 C.检查 D.总结 E.考核 [单项选择]WCDMA网络Uu接口垂直分为哪两个平面()
A. 用户平面和控制平面 B. 管理平面和信令平面 C. 用户平面和管理平面 D. 用户平面和信令平面 [多项选择](2007年)
A. 债权人可以根据企业破产法申请该合伙企业破产 B. 债权人可以要求任一合伙人清偿全部债务 C. 债权人只能要求汪、钱清偿全部债务 D. 如果该合伙企业被宣告破产,则汪、钱仍需承担无限连带责任 [单选题]西安事变的爆发说明( )的矛盾是当时的主要矛盾。
A.国共两党 B.中华民族和日本帝国主义 C.国民党中央内部 D.国民党地方与国民党中央 我来回答: 提交