The blue, mystic Lake Elsinore lies in
an inland California valley which is teeming and steaming with hot springs.
Rimmed by shaggy mountains whose forested crests are reflected in its clear
waters, Lake Elsinore is the very personification of peace-but on it rests the
curse of Tondo. The lake has had a colorful history. Much of it lies buried in legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. There have been stories of underground volcanoes on the lake bottom, erupting, killing fish and discoloring the water. There have been stories of a playful sea serpent that lived in its depths. Long noted for its scenic beauty and health-giving waters, the lake was a famous resort in the Nineties. But long before the first white man had set foot along the shore of the lake, this part of California had been the home of the A. Morning Star was too young to marry B. Tondo’s tribe and Palp’s tribe were enemies C. Palo mistreated his Soboba girl friend D. Palas vowed meet Morning Star in secret [不定项选择]家住A省B市的张某,3年前来C省D市E区做生意,其后在该市F区租了一套房子,已经居住了近两年半。一日张某在D市G区某餐厅吃饭,在吃饭的过程中,与邻桌的客人李某发生争吵,后对李某进行殴打,致李某受轻微伤。关于本案的管辖正确的是()。
A. 本案可以由其户籍所在地A省B市公安机关管辖 B. 本案可以由D市G区公安机关管辖 C. 根据办案需要,可以由D市F区公安机关管辖 D. 张某的工作所在地D市E区公安机关具有管辖权 [单选题]50.自轮运转特种设备调车作业(自轮运转特种设备转线除外),由( )派人担当调车指挥人。
A.站长 B. 所属单位 C. 车站值班员 D. 调车领导人 [单项选择]使用杜冷丁时,禁止用于:()。
A. 颅脑损伤、颅内占位 B. 哮喘病人 C. 肺功能不合者 D. 以上都是 [判断题]焊接人员只要有焊工技术和经验,可以不办理焊工证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]厂区内严禁饮酒,发现一次处罚()元,累计两次处罚()元,并停职检查10天,第三次给予辞退。
A.酸臭 B.奇臭 C.臭秽 D.腥臭 E.腐臭 [填空题]我国网络传播的主管机关,公安部——负责互联网国际联网出入口管理;工业和信息化部——负责电子公告、IP地址备案、域名管理;()——负责互联网舆情监督和舆论引导以及网络新闻管理;()——负责网络传播音频、视频管理;()——负责互联网出版管理。
[判断题]阶级矛盾和统治阶级内部矛盾的不可调和性,是警察产生的政治条件。 ( )
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