Subject: May 1-May 5 Tour
To everyone,
The west coast tour has finally arrived. I hope everyone is looking forward to some great sightseeing we have planned for you. On this West Coast Adventure Tour, there will be two destinations: LA and Las Vegas.
Since there are 25 members who will be in attendance, we request that each passenger only bring one bag due to limited space on the bus. The weather is forecast to be bright, warm, and sunny throughout the entire trip. Remember that we will be spending a night in Dodgers’ Stadium to watch a baseball game in the evening. So please remember to pack a jacket since the nights in LA get a bit cool.
We have many events planned. So please refer to the schedule attached with this e-mail. If there are any questions regarding the itinerary or anything about our trip, please call me a
A. Day 1
B. Day 2
C. Day 3
D. Day 4
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[判断题]只有合法行为才能引起相应的经济法律关系发生、变更或终止。 ( )
[单项选择]按照现行个人所得税的规定,下列收入属于纳税人本人工资、薪金所得项目应予征税的是( )。
A. 基本养老保险金 B. 补充养老保险金 C. 政府特殊津贴 D. 差旅费津贴 [单选题]Which type of failure is detected with a position difference between both APPUs?
A.A.An asymmetry B.B.An overspeed C.C.A runaway D.D.An attachment [单选题]高频局放法适用的电缆电压等级为
A. 1kV以下 B. 1~10 kV C. 10~110 kV D. 110kV及以上 [单选题] 女性,69岁。慢性肺心病急性发作,患者出现头痛,昼眠夜醒,神志恍惚应考虑
A. 窒息先兆 B. 呼吸性酸中毒 C. 休克早期 D. 肺性脑病 E. DIC [单选题]等离子弧热(冷)丝堆焊机主要用于堆焊()。
A.带极 B.板极 C.丝极 [单选题]电缆直埋敷设施工前应先查清(),再开挖足够数量的样洞和样沟,摸清地下管线分布情况,以确定电缆敷设位置及确保不损坏运行电缆和其他地下管线。
A.图纸 B.电缆运行记录 C.历史资料 D.电缆出厂资料 [多选题]关于员工贷款下列说法正确的是( )
A.员工贷款不得用于生产经营用途 B.各行(社)不得向内部关系人发放信用贷款,要严格按照有关制度要求审慎向其他员工发放信用贷款 C.向员工发放贷款时须要求借款人将代发工资账户指定为委托扣款账户 D.员工贷款可根据情况给予一定优惠条件 [单项选择]用下面语句定义的数组元素个数是( )。
Dim Arr2(-2 To 6,1 To 5)As Integer A. 45 B. 40 C. 36 D. 32 [多选题] GATE操作时需注意()。 "
A.不可直接打开单程票箱下部锁直接取票 B.装箱后,按“蓝色向上按钮”,让票箱托盘上升 C.按下“向上按钮”或“向下按钮”后,托盘未完全上升或完全下降到初始位置时,可以中途取箱、装箱 D.按下“向上按钮”或“向下按钮”后,托盘未完全上升或完全下降到初始位置时,不得中途取箱、装箱" [判断题]高等学校按照国家有关规定,自主开展与境外高等学校之间的科学技术文化交流与合作。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交