A: Good morning. Packham’s Shipping Agents. Can I help you
B: Oh yes, I’m ringing to ask about sending a large box back home to Australia from the UK.
A: Yes, of course. Well, first of all, I need a few details from you.
B: Fine.
A: Can I take your name
B: It’s Jason King.
B: Yes.
A: And where would you like the box picked up from
B: It’s Westall College.
A: Is that W—E—S—T—A—L—L
B: Yes college.
A: Westall College. And where’s that
B: It’s Downlands Road, in Bristol.
A: Oh yes, I know it. Right... and I need to know the size.
B: Yes, I’ve measured it carefully and it’s 1.5m long, 0.8m wide, and 0.9m high or deep.
A: Great. What will be in the box
B: Yes there’s mostly clothes. And there are some books and some toys.
A: OK, and what is the total value do you
Questions 16~20
The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx, once widely spoken on the Isle of Man but now extinct. Government’s financing and central planning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europe’s regional languages, spoken by more than a hail-million of the country’s three million people. The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, th A. (A) people’s desire for devolution B. (B) locals’ turnout for the voting C. (C) powers of the legislative body D. (D) status of the national language [判断题]道岔前端与另一道岔后端相连时,允许速度不大于120km/h线路,尖轨尖端轨距递减率不应大于6‰。如不能按6‰递减时,可将前面道岔的辙叉轨距加大为1441mm;仍不能解决时,旧有道岔可保留大于6‰的递减率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]长爪沙鼠的成年平均重为________克。 ( )
A.89 B.100 C.78 D.60 [单项选择]视锥细胞功能不包括()
A. 昼视觉 B. 中心视觉 C. 精细视觉 D. 周围视觉 E. 色视觉 [单选题]关于现场处置醉酒人员,下列说法错误的是()
A.对醉酒人员一律需进行约束醒酒或送医院进行醒酒。 B.对醉酒人员正在实施违法犯罪行为的,应当依法处置,果断制止,防止其继续危害社会。 C.现场救助醉酒人员以及将醉酒人员送医或者带回公安机关醒酒时,应当小心谨慎,注意观察醉酒人员状态,防止发生窒息、受伤等意外 D.重点对醉酒程度、受伤情形、实施违法犯罪行为等情况进行全面了解,采取相应的处置措施。 [单选题]Internet网络的通讯协议是( )。
A.HTTP B.TCP C.IPX D. TCP/IP [单项选择]食物中毒:蘑菇
A. 矿难:煤炭 B. 高血压:血压计 C. 球场骚乱:警察 D. 海啸:地震 [填空题]Break out of the everyday routine and come alive again with a trip to Florida. Whether you’re looking for a quiet escape or an action packed trip, Florida’s spectacular (壮观的)natural beauty and varied attractions let you create your dream escape. Nature lovers can explore vast lakes, forests and wetlands filled with native birds, fish and wildlife (野生动物).
Florida is an athlete’s paradise (运动员的乐园) as well, with plenty of opportunities for tennis, golf(高尔夫球) and water sports lovers to engage in their favorite form of recreation every day of the year. Florida is the nation’s top golf and tennis destination, offering more golf courses than any other states plus over 7,700 tennis facilities. With thousands of crystal clear rivers and lakes, plus over 1,000 miles of beaches on the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf(海湾)of Mexico, Florida is a water sports wonderland. Florida is also home to some of the best attractions in the United States, from technologically advanced parks to historic museu [单项选择]法律合法性来源中,其根本的来源应当是()。
A. 宪法 B. 具体的成文法条 C. 自然法 D. 神圣法 [单项选择]治疗结核性腹膜炎最重要的方法是( )
A. 大量抽腹水 B. 手术清除病灶 C. 卧床休息,加强营养 D. 正规的抗结核化疗 E. 腹腔内注入糖皮质激素 [单项选择]()的核心内容是利用光电扫描设备识读条码符号,从而实现机器的自动识别,并快速准确地将信息录入到计算机进行数据处理,以达到自动化管理之目的。
A. RFID技术 B. 传感器技术 C. 条码技术 D. 智能卡识别技术 [单选题]日光灯点亮后,镇流器起降压限流作用。
A.对 B.错 [简答题]试述我国防治污染和其他公害的具体制度?
A. 报检地 B. 报关地 C. 工商注册地 D. ABC都可以 [简答题]线路允许速度160km/h≥υmax>120km/h区段钢轨顶面擦伤重伤判定标准是什么?【出自《普速铁路线路修理规则》第3.6.3条】
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]只有相互认识才能了解对方。张三的知名度很高,但并不是所有人都了解张三。据此不能推出:( )
A.很多人认识张三 B.有些人不了解张三 C.认识张三的人中有很多人张三不认识 D.如果李四不认识张三,就不了解张三 [单选题]关于推土机施工作业,说法正确的是( )。
A.土质较软使切土深度较大时可采用分批集中后一次推送 B.并列推土的推土机数量不宜超过4台 C.沟槽推土法是先用小型推土机推出两侧沟槽后再用大型推土机推土 D.斜角推土法是指推土机行走路线沿斜向交叉推进 [单选题]赖某,男,35岁。反复上腹痛1年,再发1周,伴恶心、反酸、嗳气。为明确诊断应行以下检查中的()
A.X线钡餐造影 B.胃镜检查 C.幽门螺杆菌检测 D.肝功能检查 E.促胃液素测定 [判断题]通过智e通个人版当日办理的次日转账业务仅允许当日 22:00 前撤销。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大规模和超大规模集成电路芯片组成的微型计算机属于现代计算机阶段的()。
A. 第一代产品 B. 第二代产品 C. 第三代产品 D. 第四代产品 [单项选择]双子叶植物根的初生构造中显著的特征是具有()。
A. 外韧维管束 B. 辐射维管束 C. 周木维管束 D. 周韧维管束 我来回答: 提交