In 1999, the price of oil hovered
around $16 a barrel. By 2008, it had (21) the $100 a barrel
mark. The reasons for the surge (22) from the dramatic
growth of the economies of China and India to widespread (23)
in oil-producing regions, including Iraq and Nigeria’s delta region.
Triple-digit oil prices have (24) the economic and political
map of the world, (25) some old notions of power. Oil-rich
nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities, (26)
major importers—including China and India, home to a third of the world’s
population— (27) rising economic and social costs. Managing this new order is fast becoming a central (28) of global politics. Countries that need oil are clawing at each other to (29) scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, A. for B. from C. across D. over [单项选择]
A. 饭后漱口 B. 不用牙签 C. 早晚刷牙 D. 不用牙线 E. 饭后漱口,早晚刷牙 [判断题]站内维修作业时,防护员在瞭望条件好的安全地点进行防护,具体位置由施工负责人根据现场实际情况指定。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何坚定老年人的信念?
A. 20 B. 30 C. 60 D. 90 [不定项选择题]共用题干
How Men Face the Fat Problem
It is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight. Listening to them is not such a pleasure.Because the men are new at the game,they don't hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessantly. However,women of the same age do not discuss the fat problem,especially not in mixed company. They prefer to face the problem with quiet dignity.Discussing the problem might only draw attention to some stray body part that may be successfully tucked away under an article of clothing. The age at which a man begins to explore the fat problem can vary.The actual problem can manifest itself in the early 30's,but broad-range discussion usually starts later. There are early nonverbal symptoms.I've watched the rugged journalist who shares my apartment sneak by with a Diet Coke.His shirts are no longer neatly tucked in to display a trim waist. Recently he has begun to verbalize his anxiety.He tells me,with a sheepish幼n,that he is taking his suits to Chinatown to have them"tailored." Still-older men have lost their dignity and rattle on unabashedly. Often,wives and children play important roles in their fat-inspection rituals.Take my oldest brother,a former college football player. His daughter says that several times a day he will stand at attention and call out,"Fat,medium or thin?"She knows the correct answer:medium. Thin would be an obvious stretch,and fat may not get her that new video.According to his wife,he stands in front of the mirror in the morning (before the day's meals take their toll),puts his hands behind his head and lurches into a side bend,then clutches the roll that has developed and says,"Am I getting fatter?"His wife is expected to answer,"You look like you may have lost a few pounds." And then there are the ex-husbands,a pitiful group.They are extremely vocal.When I go to the movies with one,he confides that he is suffering from great hunger because he is dieting.He hasn't eaten since the pancakes and sausages he wolfed down that morning. He pauses in his monologue while he buys his popcorn.After the movie,we sprint to a restaurant,where he again pauses to devour a basket of bread.Before he orders his chaste salad and soup,he grows plaintive.Do I think he's fat? Men usually begin to worry about their weight when they are nearly 40. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [简答题]简述一级票务违章内容?
A. 强心 B. 镇静 C. 降低应激 D. 补充能量 E. 降低组织对儿茶酚胺的反应 [多选题]单母线接线特点有()。
A.简单清晰、设备少、投资小 B.运行操作方便且有利于扩建 C.但可靠性和灵活性较差 D.当母线或母线刀闸发生故障或检修时,必须断开母线的全部电源 [单选题]当轨检车检测到固定辙叉的有害空间时,在轨检车波形图中会出现一个假轨距和一个假( )。
A.高低 B.水平 C.轨向 D.曲率 [简答题]如何规定执行器的操作手轮转动方向与调节机构的开关方向。
[单选题]在220kV带电线路杆塔上工作的安全距离是( )。
A.0.7m B.1.0m C.1.5m D.3.0m [判断题]《消防法》规定,各级人民政府应当加强消防组织建设,根据经济社会发展的需要,建立多种形式的消防组织,加强消防技术人才培养,增强火灾预防、扑救和应急救援的能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ICU内各项监测项目观察、记录的时间是()
A. 0.5h B. 1h C. 根据病情、项目内容决定 D. 2h E. 不定期 [单选题]双金属温度计的检定周期为( ).
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 [单选题]“风定花犹落,鸟鸣山更幽。”形象地表达了动与静的辩证 关系是( )。
A.静不是动,动不是静 B.静中有动,动中有静 C.动是必然的,静是偶然的 D.动是静的原因,静是动的结果 [单项选择]胃癌术后病理回报肿瘤直径2cm,侵犯胰腺,周围清扫淋巴结(7/21),根据TNM分期应该为()
A. T1N0M0 B. Tis C. T2N1M0 D. T4N2M0 E. T4N2M1 [判断题]组织的管理活动主要取决于其内部的管理人员及其所有的资源,而与其所处的环境关系不大。
[多选题]手术患者转运交接原则 ( )
A.转运交接过程中应确保患者身份正确 B.转运前确认患者的病情适合且能耐受转运 C.转运人员应为有资质的医院工作人员 D.转运前应确认转运需要携带的医设备及物品,并确认功能完好 [判断题]干粉灭火器扑救固体可燃物火灾时,应对准燃烧最猛烈处喷射,并上下、左右扫射。
[多选题]施工单位从事建设工程的新建、扩建、改建和拆除等活动,应当具备国家规定的( )等条件,依法取得相应等级的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的范围内承揽工程。
A.技术装备 B.安全生产 C.专业技术人员 D.注册资本 E.环境保护 [单选题]齿轮泵轴向间隙要求严格,如果间隙过大,则会造成( )。
A.抽空 B.压力不足 C.振动 D.轴功率不足 [名词解释]《知新报》
[多选题]外院患者携病理切片来我院应如何做?( )
A.取相应专科医生门诊号 B.医生开病理申请单 C.病理科审核 D.结算 [判断题]将两个或两个以上的电阻,相应的两端(首与首.尾与尾)连接在一起,使每个电阻承受同一个电压,这样的连接方式称为电阻的并联。(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]硅灰石和透辉石的理论化学式,为什么透辉石可用作低温快速烧成原料?
[单选题]C-D-002 4 2 3
Word 窗口由快速访问工具栏、( )、功能区、标尺、工作区、滚动条、状态栏组成。 A. 菜单栏 B. 标题栏 C. 命令工具栏 D. 退出栏 [单选题]墙体的耐火极限与其( )有关。
A.材料的燃烧性能 B.材料及截面尺度 C.材料和厚度 D.保护层 [单选题]同一电压等级、同类型、相同安全措施且依次进行的( )上的不停电工作,可使用一张配电第二种工作票。
A.不同配电线路或不同工作地点 B.不同配电线路 C.不同工作地点 D.相邻配电线路 [判断题]FCA、FOB、DDP术语中卖方和买方之间风险转移在装船港船舷前后。
A. 结果 B. 存在问题 C. 政策落实 D. 行为改变 E. 效果 我来回答: 提交