There are four basic types of
competition in business that form a continuum from pure competition through
monopolistic competition and oligopoly (商品供应垄断) to monopoly. At one end of the
continuum, pure competition results when every company has a similar product.
Companies that deal in commodities such as wheat or corn are often involved in
pure competition. In pure competition, it is often the ease and efficiency of
distribution that influences purchase. In contrast, in monopolistic competition several companies may compete for the sale of items that may be substituted. The classic example of monopolistic competition is coffee and tea. If the price of one is perceived as too high, consumers may begin to purchase the other. Coupons and other discounts (折扣) are often used as part of a marketing strategy to influence sales. Oli A. It is not unusual for all companies to increase prices at the same time. B. It is common for companies to compete for customers by lowering prices. C. Customers may lose money when companies have price wars. D. Prices are lower during price wars, but they are usually higher afterward. [简答题] 日元纸币正面右上角的面额数字是采用光变油墨印刷的,晃动观察由_____变为_____。( )
[判断题]( )算术运算符的优先级低于关系运算符。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] The ______ time of the day is in the evening. Everyone is out in the street talking.
A. noisier B. noisiest C. much noisier D. more noisiest [单选题]在长时间、大跨度、远纵深的密闭空间开展灭火救援作业时,应视情佩戴()或使用移动供气源。
A.空气呼吸器 B.氧气呼吸器 C.排烟机 D.防穿刺手套 [单选题]使用调高垫板调线路冻害水平时,每处调高垫板厚度不超过( )。
A.7mm B.10mm C.15mm D.20mm [判断题]《广深港高速铁路跨境旅客运输组织规则》应买儿童票的旅客如未买票,补收儿童票价,核收手续费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]未构成一般B类以上事故的,无调度命令施工,超范围施工,超范围维修作业为一般( )类事故。
A.A27 B.B27 C.C24 D.D27 [名词解释]EPS
[单选题]四显示自动闭塞车站控制台能确认第一、第二个闭塞分区空闲,出站信号机仅能显示黄色灯光,办理特快旅客列车通过时的行车凭证为( )。[331010203]
A.出站信号机的黄色灯光 B.绿色许可证 C.出站信号机的黄色灯光、绿色许可证 D.红色许可证 [单选题]标准孔板流量计是一种差压式流量计,其一次装置是( )
A.标准孔板 B.节流装置 C.信号引线 D.积算装置 [填空题]能用作微生物C源的物质有(),(),(),()等。
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