America’s Federal Reserve cut interest
rates by another quarter-point, to 3.75%. Wall Street, which had been
(1) for a sixth half-point cut, was disappointed. The Dow fell
by 2% (2) the week. The past week’s economic statistics gave
mixed signals. Exports dropped by 2% in both March and April, largely
(3) a decline in high-tech investment (4) ;
the merchandise-trade (5) widened to $458 billion in the 12
months (6) April. (7) , the Conference
Board’s index of consumer confidence was higher than (8) in
June. Concerns (9) inflation in the euro area (10) . Preliminary data (11) that German consumer- price inflation fell to 3.1% in the year to June, from 3.5% in May; wage growth (12) to 1.4% in April, a real pay cut of 1.5%. Some economists fear that Germany is on A. to B. until C. up D. onto [单项选择]血液的生理功能()
A. 运输功能 B. 协调功能 C. 维护机体内环境 D. 防御功能 E. 以上都是 [单选题]在沟道和井下等密闭空间作业时,如人员撤离,沟道、井坑、孔洞的盖板和安全设施应(),或在其周围设置临时围栏并装设照明等显著标志。
A.保持不动 B.及时搬开 C.及时恢复 D.及时撤出 [单选题]在车站内检修信号、联锁、闭塞设备,影响其使用时,事先须在《行车设备检查登记簿》内登记,并经( )签认,方可开始。
A.信号员 B.列车调度员 C.车站值班员 D.扳道员 [单选题] 强制倒换时,不管工作段及保护段处于什么状态,倒换都将被执行。 (2分) 查看答案
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严禁向受限空间内通入空气。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电压的单位是( )
A.伏特(V) B.焦耳(J) C.瓦特(W) D.安培(A) [单选题]在焊工资质管理中的焊接位置代号PA 代表。 ( )
A.平焊 B.仰焊 C.横焊 D.立焊 [单项选择]数据流图的正确性是保证软件逻辑模型正确性的基础,与上述问题相关性较弱的内容是( )。
A. 数据守恒 B. 均匀分解 C. 文件操作 D. 图形层数 [单选题]公安机关无权决定采用的刑事强制措施是( )
A.拘留 B.逮捕 C.监视居住 D.取保候审 我来回答: 提交