Passage Three
The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance, or the ecological (生态的) balance as it is known. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed (处理) of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made complex, there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people therefore, see pollution as only part of a larger and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods. Others again see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing population. However, the land itself is gradually becoming worn out as it is being used, in some cases, too heavily, and artif
A. the production of new industrial goods
B. increased amounts of natural substance
C. our ever-increasing population
D. the release of artificial of natural substances into the environment
Once upon a time, innovation at Procter
& Gamble flowed one way: from the United States outward. While the large
Cincinnati-based corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold
them products that were already familiar to most Americans. Many Japanese
families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers, and lots of
Venezuelans brush their teeth with Crest. And of course (company executives
assumed) Americans at home wanted these same familiar, red-white and blue
brands. We might buy foreign-made cars, or chocolates, or cameras but household
cleaners and detergents Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent, was born overseas, and is a familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America. Now bilingual packages of Ariel Ultra, a super-concentrated cleaner, are appeari A. Americans are more likely to buy foreign-made products than before B. for most Americans foreign products are much more attractive than home-made ones C. the company has found that foreign-made products are superior to home-made ones in terms of quality D. the company has hired more foreigners in its top management than before [单选题]501、跌开式高压熔断器在户外应安装在离地面垂直距离不小于( )m。
A.3 B.4 C.4.5 [填空题]线路上临时插入的短轨,不得短于6m,不得连续插入,且必须尽快焊复。临时插入短轨的线路允许速度不得大于km/h。
[单项选择]() is the foundation on which applications are built.
A. User B. Display C. Printer D. Operation system [单项选择]触摸屏实现数值显示时要对应PLC内部的()。
A. 输入点X B. 输出点Y C. 数据存贮器D D. 定时器 [单选题]同一变电站内在几个电气连接部分上依次进行的同一电压等级、同一类型的不停电工作,可填用一张电气( )。
A.第一种工作票 B.第二种工作票 C.紧急抢修单 D.带电作业工作票 [判断题]雷雨天气时,穿上绝缘靴,戴上绝缘手套后,可以直接操作室外断路器或隔离刀闸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]由n只不同阻值的纯电阻组成并联电路,则电路的总电流等于( )。
A.任一支路电流乘以并联支路数n B.各支路电流之和 C.各支路电流之差 D.各支路电流的倒数和 [简答题]在pH3~4时,双硫腙与铜生成什么颜色的络合物?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面程序
main( ) int x=32; printf("%d/n",x=x<<1); 的输出是______。 A. 100 B. 160 C. 120 D. 64 [简答题] 设备内的SF6气体不准向<______>排放,应采取净化装置回收,经处理检测合格后方准再使用。
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