Victoria Barzilai opened her mouth wide so the doctor could look at her sore throat. Not (1) a remarkable event, except that Victoria was at home and the doctor was hundreds of miles away. Feeling too sick to (2) herself to the school health center, the third-year university student had chosen a cyber-doctor visit, the 21st century (3) of a house call.
A number of websites offer face-to-face consultations of the (4) visit to anyone with a credit card and access to a webcam-equipped computer. The services are intended for patients with (5) minor problems that don’t require hands-on diagnoses or treatments, not for people who need stitches, MRIs or casts on broken limbs.
One presumed strong advantage of e-visits like these is (6) . That counted with Victoria who points out that "My doctor is at least an hour away, and besides, I didn’t know when I could get in to see him." Victoria used MedCa
A. urgent
B. credible
C. contract
D. exactly
E. relatively
F. version
G. criticism
H. charge
I. dazzle
J. convenience
K. drag
L. dedicate
M. residents
N. deliberately
Naturally the young are more inclined
to novelty than their elders and it is in their speech, as it always was, that
most of the vocabulary changes originate. But listening critically to their talk
I hear hardly my new words. It is all a matter of using old words in a new way
and then copying each other as they wish to speak differently from their
parents. They want even more to speak like people of their own age. A new usage
once took time to spread, but now a pop star can flash it across the world in
hours. Of course, it is not only the young who like to use the latest in-word. While they are describing their idols as smashing, great, or cosmic (宇宙的), their parents and the more discriminating of the younger set are also groping for words of praise that are at once apt and fashionable. However, their choice of splendid, A. has a clearer meaning than it does for the author B. is unacceptable because it is slang C. seems strange and old-fashioned D. means much the same as smashing [判断题]证券公司在完成质押式回购交易后,不需证券公司总部或授权分公司盖章的交易清单,
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对0参与恐怖活动.极端主义活动,尚不构成犯罪的人员,公安机关应当组织有关部门村民委员会居民委员会.所在单位.就读学校家庭和监护人对其进行帮教。
A.主动违法 B.被教唆 C.被胁迫 D.被引诱 [单项选择]
A. 皮肤裂伤 B. 手指不全离断伤 C. 开放性指骨骨折 D. 手指固有神经损伤 E. 左中指屈指肌腱、指两侧固有神经和指动脉开放性损伤 [判断题]房地产开发部门应当在收到申请后30日内向符合条件的企业核发《暂定资质证书》。
[单选题]( )是对应于建设工程项目系统纵向垂直分解的单项、单位工程项目的质量控制体系。
A.多层次结构 B.多单元结构 C.整体性结构 D.立体化结构 [单选题]在计算机内部用于存储、交换、处理的汉字编码叫做( )。
A.国际码 B.机内码 C.区位码 D.字形码 [简答题]搓揉眼睛会造成近视吗?
[判断题]一切电话中断时,禁止发出列车无线调度通信设备故障的列车。( ) J328
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自动闭塞区段,由未设出站信号机的线路上发出列车时,列车进入闭塞分区的行车凭证是绿色许可证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对妇女推行性骚扰的,下面三种说法中哪一个是正确的
A.公安机关应该给与治安外分, B.受害妇女能够依照刑事诉讼的相关规定,向人民法院自诉: C.人民检察院不应主动提起公诉。 [单选题]血管内溶血时,血浆蛋白含量急剧降低的是
A.AAT B.AAG C.Hp D.Cp E.TRF [判断题]低压触电时,应立即将触电者拉离电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]187.儿科病房管理特点以下哪项正确
A.环境管理 B.预防交叉感染 C.传染病管理 D.预防意外事故 E.其余选项均正确 我来回答: 提交