How’s this for unintended consequences
Some of the biggest beneficiaries(受惠者) of the women’s movement have
been married men. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, married
men have a 60% higher average household income than they did in 1970, even
adjusted for inflation. Unmarried men, on the other hand, only got a 16% bump.
One reason for the rise is that more men are marrying women who make more money than they do, mainly because there are more high-income women to go around. In 1970, just 4% of men ages 30 to 44 had wives who brought in more money than they did. By 2007, more than a fifth of men in that age range had wives who out-earned them. Members of this thriving demographic(人口统计学的) are effectively doubling their income or more when they wed, without doubling their costs. A. A.They got a 16% increase in household income. B.They got a 16% decrease in household income. C.Only 16% of them were in financial difficulty. D.Only 16% of them earned more than in 1970. [简答题]肝功能(ALT和AST)增高有何临床意义?
[多选题]在线路两侧电缆槽、排水沟盖板上行走时,要注意避开( ),防止绊倒、坠落伤害。
A.A、盖板缺损处 B.B、桥梁伸缩缝及锯齿孔 C.C、接触网支柱 D.D、接触网拉线 [单项选择]以下线路不属于国家主干线网“五纵”的是( )。
A. 北京至珠海 B. 北京至福州 C. 上海至云南瑞丽 D. 同江至三亚 [单项选择]无菌罐进料时达到多少可以给灌装机信号()
A. 2T B. 1T C. 1.5T [判断题]区间无线设备电源应具有交、直流自动转换功能
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
For a {{U}}wrong{{/U}} word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a {{U}}missing{{/U}} word, mark the position of the missing word with a "∧" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an {{U}}unnecessary{{/U}} word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word in the blank provid- ed at the end of the line. A subtle distinction in the way women are singled out
by the language is evident in the way that the same personality (1) ______ trait is characterized approvingly for one sex and denigrated for the other. However, if a man is aggressive, he is considered (2) ______ a go-getter, a serf-starter, while a woman is considered pushy or [单选题]当主机额定功率等于或大于kW,且能脱离传动轴系或传动可调螺距螺旋桨时,还应装有超速保护装置,以防止主机的转速超过额定转速的%; ( )
A.220/120 B.:375/120 C.:220/115 D.375/115 [多选题]李某在路上拦截女中学生王某,持匕首对王某进行威胁,欲实施强奸。王某与其搏斗,并抢得匕首。李某见匕首被夺,即挥拳击打王某头部,王某以匕首相迎,刺中李某的胸部,李某当场死亡。下列说法正确的是:( )
A.王某是正当防卫 B.王某是防卫过当 C.王某应负刑事责任 D.王某不负刑事责任 [单项选择]当柱中全部纵向受力钢筋的配筋率超过3%时,则箍筋直径不宜小于()。
A. 12mm B. 10mm C. 8mm D. 6mm [单项选择]下列为二级信息源的药学文献:()。
A. 中国药学文摘 B. 药学杂志 C. 药物信息手册 D. 中国国家处方集 E. 中国国家处方集 [单选题]日补充计划和临时补修计划申报需说明具体申报原因且原因合理,原则上需经()审核、签字后方可申报,纸质签字版计划申报单同步提交至生产调度,未及时提交的不予申报计划。
A.场调 B.部门负责人 C.电调 D.生产调度 [判断题]《建筑施工安全检査标准》中,施工方案、支架基础、支架构造均为模板支架的检査 评定保证项目。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 工作服、工作帽、工作鞋、手套、口罩、眼镜等防护用品可以避免有毒物质与人体皮肤的接触
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不能作为硝化棉火灾灭火剂的是( )。
A.水 B.干粉 C.二氧化碳 D.泡沫 [多选题]治寒湿中阻,常以苍术配
A.厚朴 B.青皮 C.泽泻 D.猪苓 E.陈皮 [单项选择]大量钾盐青霉素静脉注射的主要危险是()
A. 过敏反应 B. 高血钾 C. 二重感染 D. 局部刺激 E. 耐药性 [单项选择]锅炉定期排污程序控制系统、制粉程序控制系统、锅炉燃烧器程序控制系统都属于()控制系统。
A. 执行; B. 局部程序; C. 协调。 [单选题]国家的核心利益是
A.维护民族团结 B.国家经济的发展 C.国家在国际竞争中的地位 D.维护国家主权和领土完整 [单选题]泡沫灭火器不能用于扑救()火灾。
A.木材 B.油类 C.电气 D.橡胶 [单项选择]男性,35岁。3d前遇雨淋透衣衫。昨起畏寒高热,咳嗽,以于咳为主,偶见带铁锈色黄痰,伴右侧胸痛就诊。体检:热性病容,体温38.9℃。右上肺叩实,间及支气管呼吸音。心率102次/min,律齐,心音强。患者出现循环衰竭,除加强抗菌治疗外,其他主要治疗应是()
A. 大量输液包括胶体 B. 尽快应用升压药提高血压 C. 补充足够血容量,必要时应用血管活性药物 D. 短期大剂量激素的应用 E. 补充足够碱性药物 我来回答: 提交