A new catastrophe faces Afghanistan.
The American bombing campaign is conspiring with years of civil conflict and
drought to create an environmental crisis. Humanitarian and political concerns are dominating the headlines. But they are also masking the disappearance of the country’s once rich habitat and wildlife, which are quietly being crashed by war. The UN is dispatching a team of investigators to the region next month to evaluate the damage. "A healthy environment is a prerequisite for rehabitation," says Klaus Topfer, head of the UN Environment Programme. Much of south-east Afghanistan was once lush forest watered by monsoon rains. Forests now cover less than two per cent of the country. "The worst deforestation occurred during Taliban role, when its timber mafia denuded forests to sell to Pakistani markets," says Usman Qaz A. the flooding caused by the monsoon rain. B. the intense bombing of the Taliban troops. C. the improper use of the trees for benefits during Talibna role. D. the fire set to burn the forests by the Taliban troops. [单选题]柱塞泵安全阀整定值必须依照柱塞泵的()。
A.最大工作压力 B.最小工作压力 C.平均工作压力 D.注汽时工作压力 [单选题]对于我国大部分的幼儿园来说,课程的整合首先应该关注的是( )。
A.领域间的整合 B.领域内的整合 C.超领域的整合 D.多个领域之间的整合 [判断题]在修理间、机房、厨房、病房、诊室等处工作时,消防救援人员需要敬礼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列新版美元彩钞哪种面额的水印图案不是主景人像图案。 ( )
A.50 美元 B.20 美元 C.10 美元 D.5 美元 [单选题]176.行政机关应当对获得许可公民、法人或者其他组织从事行政许可事项的活动( )
A.进行全面考核 B.加强日常检查 C.实施有效监督 D.进行全面监控 [单项选择]在光滑水平桌面上;用细线系一个小球,球在桌面上做匀速圆周运动,当系球的线突然断掉,关于球的运动,下述说法正确的是()
A. 向圆心运动 B. 背离圆心沿半径向外运动 C. 做半径逐渐变大的曲线运动 D. 沿圆的切线方向做匀速运动 [单选题]电缆主绝缘交流耐压试验10kV、20kV,试验电压为2U0,时间5min
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [填空题]Careercast.com is out with its list of best and worst jobs of 2012. It’s bad news for the writer of this story, but much brighter for the (26) who program the code that keeps this website humming.
Using a methodology that looked at (27) demands, work environment, income, stress and hiring outlook, career website Careercast.com, ranked the top 200 jobs. They also ranked the jobs with the most stress. Not (28) surprisingly, none of the most stressful jobs (29) on the best jobs list. At the top is software engineer and at the bottom is the woodcutter. (30) failed to skate above the bottom 10 percent in all ranking categories, excluding income. (31) for woodcutters is very high, and the demand for their (32) is expected to continue to fall through 2016. And while working outside all day may seem like a great job perk, being a woodcutter (33) is considered the worst job, but also one of the [多选题]《国网公司关于2017年推进“互联网+营销服务”工作的意见》中指出,促进“互联网+”与()营销服务在经营 理念、()、管理方法、技术手段的深度融合。
A.传统 B.新型 C.经济模式 D.商业模式 [单选题]GB/T28001-2011 标准 PDCA 方法论中-的“策划”意指( )。
A.A.建立所需的目标 B.B.建立所需的过程 C.C.以实现组织职业健康安全方针所期望结果 D.D.以上都是 [判断题]包庇黑社会性质组织罪的犯罪主体是司法工作人员。
A. 发送地址 B. 传真号码 C. 收件人 D. 联系电话 E. 与收件方电话予以确认,同时在作好相关登记工作 [单项选择]以下药物中,因为刺激性强、应该静脉冲入法给予的是()
A. 氟尿嘧啶 B. 卡培他滨 C. 甲氨蝶呤 D. 长春新碱 E. 阿糖胞苷 [单项选择]急性肾小球肾炎一般不会有如下几项表现,但例外的是哪一项()
A. 血尿 B. 蛋白尿 C. 不同程度高血压 D. 糖尿 E. 水肿 [多选题]CR400AF动车组旅客信息系统包括哪些部件()。
A.扬声器 B.耳机座椅控制器 C.服务呼叫显示屏 D.联络电话 [单选题]邓小平在中共十二大开幕词中()
A.深刻概括了社会主义的本质 B.鲜明提出了四项基本原则 C.系统阐述了社会主义初级阶段理论 D.明确提出了“建设有中国特色社会主义”的命题 [判断题]母线、变压器的故障切除时间按同电压等级线路近端故障切除时间考虑
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交