Imagine eating everything delicious you
want - with none of the fat. That would be great, wouldn’t it New "fake fat" products appeared on stone shelves in the United States recently, but not everyone is happy about it. Makers of the products, which contain a compound called olestra, say food manufacturers can now eliminate fat from certain foods. Critics, however, say the new compound can rob the body of essential vitamins and nutrients (营养物) and can also cause unpleasant side effects in some people. So it’s up to consumers to decide whether the new fat-free products taste good enough to keep eating. Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s, when they were searching for a fat that could be digested by infants more easily. Instead of finding the desired fat, the researchers created a fat that can’t be digested at a A. commercially useless B. just as anticipated C. somewhat controversial D. quite unexpected [判断题]行政机关不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可燃气体火灾配置场所灭火器的配置基准应按( )类配置场所的规定执行。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]早产的护理要点包括
A.指导孕妇绝对卧床休息 B.取右侧卧位,给予氧气吸入 C.严密观察孕妇的全身情况 D.遵医嘱给药,减少刺激 E.做好分娩的准备工作 [填空题]下列程序的输出结果是______。
#include<stdio.h> int fun(int x) int p; if(x==0‖x==1) return 3; else p=x-fun(x-2); return p; void main( ) printf("/n%d",fun(11)); [多选题]股账户按持有人分为()。
A.基金管理公司的证券投资基金专用证券账户 B.证券公司自营证券账户 C.一般机构证券账户 D.自然人证券账户 [多选题]用户接入网功能可分为( )。
A.用户端口功能(UPF) B.核心功能(CF) C.传送功能(TF) D.业务端口功能(SPF)和接入网系统管理功能(AN-SMF) [判断题]目前,我国消防工作的方针是:以防为主,以消为辅。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]营养不良患儿应用苯丙酸诺龙的主要作用是()
A. 促进消化功能 B. 促进食欲 C. 促进糖原合成 D. 促进蛋白质合成 E. 增强机体免疫功能 [单选题]上树时,应使用安全带,安全带不得系在待砍剪树枝的()附近或以上。不得攀抓脆弱和枯死的树枝;不得攀登已经锯过或砍过的未断树木。
A.A:茎部。 B.B:断口。 C.C:枝丫。 D.D:根部。 E.略 F.略 [多选题]方钻杆旋塞阀维护保养主要有( )等。
A.连续使用1周应洗净腔室内.上下阀座.球阀上的泥浆 B.不用时应对阀体与阀芯进行冲洗.保养 C.金属密封部分涂抹适量润滑脂防止锈蚀 D.戴上螺纹护丝 E.使用过程中每班开关活动1次,每15天内对旋塞试压检查一次 [判断题]智能变电站中当“GOOSE出口软压板”退出后,保护装置可以发送GOOSE跳闸命令,但不会跳闸出口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]更换钩提杆及座时,钩提杆左、右横动量均为()不符时移动钩提杆座调整。
A. 30~50mm B. 30~55mm C. 35~55mm D. 45~55mm [判断题]预计停用1年以上的装卸机械,应办理封存手续。封存的装卸机械应完好,严禁拆用零部件,使用单位应对封存设备做好保养工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Westerners are familiar with the journalistic interview ______.
A. but most of them wish to stay away from it B. and many of them hope to be interviewed some day C. and many of them would like to acquire a true understanding of it D. but most of them may not have been interviewed in person [多选题]木模板常用的接缝式有()
A. 斜缝 B. 平缝 C. 搭接缝 D. 企口缝 E. 横缝 [填空题]Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. BeWell Online Programme = interactive website with resources to help reach health (11) Wellness Register: easy online health check keep a record of progress get (12) on present health condition Active Health Agenda: 8-week plans taking into account age & lifestyle diet & workout weight loss (13) healthy aging time-saver workouts Membership: allow use of various tools and (14) online give access to articles, recipes, exercises Active Sport: Individual programmes in accordance with personal objective and (15) warm-up, workout, weekly training e.g. marathon, swimming, biking, running Active Care [for specific health requirements]: (16) Glucose Manag [单项选择]牵引变电所使用过的工作票保存时间不少于()
A. 1个月 B. 3个月 C. 40天 D. 2个月 [单项选择]做文明行路人,下列表述错误的是()
A. 行人应当在人行道内行走,没有人行横道的靠路边行走 B. 行人通过路口或者横过道路,应当走人行横道或者过街设施 C. 遇有急事,可以冒险翻越隔离带 D. 在交通拥阻地段行走,应依次通过,不要前推后拥 [判断题]负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当加强对建设单位验收活动和验收结果的抽查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电磁式高压断路器的操作机构有( )线圈。
A.电磁式 B.弹簧式 C.重合闸 D.合闸 E.跳闸 我来回答: 提交