Overnight success usually takes at
least 10 years. One man said, "My overnight success was the longest night of my
life, I{{U}} (62) {{/U}}many days and nights {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
getting there. "Remember," Rome was not built in a day. "Many people are waiting
for their, ship to come {{U}} (64) {{/U}} -- when they’ve not even
{{U}} (65) {{/U}} it out of the harbor. You see, winners {{U}} (66)
{{/U}} do what losers don’t want to do. And they keep doing it till they get
the success they want. Success is mostly just {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on after
others have let go! So the most important trip you’ll make is when you go the
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} mile. Many people who {{U}} (69) {{/U}} did not know how close they were to success when they gave up. People don’t {{U}} (70) {{/U}} fail, they just {{U}} (71) {{/U}} too easily. One guy said," The se A. very B. specific C. definite D. certain [单项选择]牙槽骨修整术的手术时间应选择在拔牙后
A. 1周 B. 2周 C. 3周 D. 1~3个月 E. 6个月 [多项选择]下述理论中,不是美学理论与伦理学理论相结合的有( )。
A. 生命神圣论 B. 生命价值论 C. 人道论 D. 美德论 [单选题]心肌生理特性中,遇足够强度的刺激即可产生动作电位,这是心肌的( )。
A.自律性 B.传导性 C.收缩性 D.兴奋性 [填空题]超声波通过一定厚度的薄层介质,若介质两侧的物质声抗阻相等,则薄层厚度为()时,声压透过率很低。
A.永久责任 B.管理责任 C.直接责任 D.领导责任 [单选题]对银行存款进行清查时,应将( )与银行编制的对账单进行逐笔核对。
A.银行存款总账 B.支票簿 C.银行存款结算单据 D.银行存款日记账 [单选题]在ISO 14001标准体系中,为了确保环境因素评价的标准性,在识别环境因素时应考虑的三种状态是( )
A.开车、停机和检修状态 B.连续、间隙和半连续状态 C.正常、异常和紧急状态 D.上升、下降和停止状态 [判断题]单机挂车时,所挂车辆的自动制动机作用必须良好,发车前列检(无列检时由车站发车人员)按规定进行制动试验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高处作业的安全问题主要是坠落,分为( )。
A.被吊物坠落 B.人员坠落 C.物体坠落 D.吊钩坠落 [单选题] 动车组列车断电后必须经过动车组专业技术人员确认和( )设备检测后,方可使用A类泡沫.开花或喷雾射流灭火。( )
A. 漏电探测仪 B. 有毒气体检测仪 C. 测温仪 D. 热成像仪 我来回答: 提交