Ever hear of the lemming Lemmings are
arctic rat-like animals with very odd habits: periodically, for unknown reasons,
they mass together in large herd and commit suicide by rushing into deep water
and drowning themselves. They all run in together, blindly, and not one of them
ever seems to stop and ask, "Why am I doing this Is this really what I ’want to
do" and thus save it serf from destruction. Obviously, lemmings are driven to
perform their strange suicide rites by common instinct. People choose to "follow
the herd" for more complex reasons, yet we are still too often the unwilling
victims of the bandwagon appeal. Essentially, the bandwagon urges us to an action or an opinion because it is popular—be- cause "everyone else is doing it." This call to "get on the bandwagon" appeals to the strong de- sire in most of us to be one of the crowd, not to be A. Fighting for America. B. Advertising. C. Political campaigning. D. Going after fashion. [单选题]《岗位作业指导书》中要求按年度保存的台账自当年( )起至次年( )止。
A.A、5月1日、4月30日 B.B、3月1日、3月31日 C.C、4月1日、3月31日 D.D、1月1日、12月31日 [单选题]当利用机械牵引变压器时,牵引的着力点应在设备重心以下,运输倾斜角不得超过( )。
A.20°; B.15°; C.10°; D.5°; [多选题]严格企业安全管理。生产经营单位要加强对生产现场监督检查,严格查处( )的“三违”行为。
A.违章指挥 B.违反交通规则 C.违反劳动纪律 D.违章作业 [单选题]耦合柴油泵是一个( )。[312030101]
A.涡轮泵 B.叶片泵 C.气动的膜片泵 D.电泵 [名词解释]分子病(moleculardisease)
[单选题]减速地点标设在减速地点两端( )处。
A.20m B.60m C.40m D.50m [多选题]党的基层组织,根据工作需要和党员人数,经上级党组织批准,分别设立党的( )
A.基层委员会 B.总支部委员会 C.支部委员会 D.党组 我来回答: 提交