As if they didn’t have their hands full
with Iraq and terrorism, U. S. intelligence agencies are being drawn into the
debate over whether the United States is imminently threatened by a deadly
outbreak of bird influenza and whether the Bush administration has adequately
prepared for such an epidemic. Over the last two weeks, the administration has
held bird flu briefings classified "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented
Information" for members of both houses of Congress. A counterterrorism official
indicated that the intelligence community is also studying whether it would be
possible for terrorists to somehow exploit the avian flu virus and use it
against the United States, though there is no evidence that terrorists have in
any way tried to do so. The World Health Organization is warning that if a
pandemic (a disease for which ther A. Americans needn’t worry too much about it because it is less dangerous B. the government will disclose the briefings’ content to the public C. Americans will be possibly required not to move about at will D. the government will take such measures as the Spanish government did [单选题]萃取操作包括若于步骤,除了( )。
A.原料预热 B.原料与萃取剂混合 C.澄清分离 D.萃取剂回收 [判断题]当我们由于各种原因而产生心理压力时,最好的办法是找个熟人倾述。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]造成运行中的高压电容器发热的原因之一是( )
A. 内部发生局部放电 B.频繁投切使电容器反复受浪涌电流影响 C.外壳机械损伤 [判断题]《职业病防治法》规定,用人单位对采用的技术、工艺、设备、材料应当知悉其产生的职业病危害,对有职业病危害的技术、工艺、设备、材料隐瞒其危害而采用的,对所造成的职业病危害后果承担责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]牙龈固有层中胶原纤维束呈各种方向排列,可分为()。
A. 牙槽龈组 B. 龈牙组 C. 环形组 D. 牙周膜组 E. 越隔组 [判断题]质量鉴定主要是通过静态方式对接触网几何参数、设备及零部件状态进行综合统计分析,掌握设备整体技术状态。( )(《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》第92条)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]谵妄的症状学标准由哪些(参照CCMD-3标准)?()
A. 程度不同的意识障碍和注意力受损 B. 全面的认知损害 C. 情感障碍 D. 精神运动性障碍 E. 睡眠-觉醒周期紊乱 [单选题]下列各项关于民间非营利组织的财务会计报告的表述,错误的是( )。
A.民间非营利组织的会计报表至少应当包括资产负债表、业务活动表和现金流量表 B.民间非营利组织无须编制会计报表附注 C.财务情况说明书是对民间非营利组织一定会计期间业务活动以及财务、收入、成本费用情况进行分析说明的书面文字报告 D.民间非营利组织的财务会计报告有助于提高民间非营利组织的透明度,增强其社会公信力 [单选题]关于行政许可的变更和延续,说法有误的是
A.黄某是执业医师,如果变更执业范围,应当向准予注册的卫生行政部门提出申请 B.杨某的捕捞许可证即将到期,如果杨某希望延续捕捞许可证的有效期,应当在有效期届满30日前提出 C.陈某为注册建筑师,其注册有效期为2年,陈某如果需要延续注册的应当在注册有效期届满前20日提出 D.被许可人提出延续申请,而矿务局 未在采矿许可有效期满之前作出准许的决定,则视为准予延续 [单项选择]赤霉素类中使用最多的是()。
A. GA1 B. GA2 C. GA3 D. GA4 我来回答: 提交