I am extremely important. So important
that all kinds of people might need to communicate with me 24 hours a day. Mere
phone calls are good enough, letters take days, or at least a day, and meetings
face to face—well, obviously that is out of the question. No, the index of my
success is my faxability. Only God knows what international incidents have been
averted by my black fax machine. For I am now at the centre of a vast global
communications network, all of which is instantly faxable, and made up of busy
people who cannot possibly wait for that vital document a minute
longer. "Fax it to me," we say snappily, presuming that we are in the company similarly technologically endowed. "What do you mean you haven’t got one " We gasp in amazement at their willingness to admit they are not a member of this exclusive club. After A. Demonstrate how ridiculous it is for people to have a fax. B. Prove to the reader that faxes can be sabotaged and broken down. C. Show why her friends are getting fax machines. D. Describe the importance of speedy communications in file modem business world. [判断题]膨珠(膨胀矿渣珠)颜色越深,玻璃体含量越高,活性越高
[单选题]某网络服务公司不履行法律规定的信息网络安全管理义务,被监管部门责令采取改正措施而拒不改正,致使淫秽视频大量传播。该公司的行为构成( )。
A.传播淫秽物品罪 B.拒不履行信息网络安全管理义务罪 C.帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪 D.帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪 [单选题]无机纤维复合帘面应沿帘布纬向每隔一定的间距设置耐高温不锈钢丝(绳),以承载帘面的自重;沿帘布经向设置夹板,以保证帘面的整体强度,夹板间距应为( )mm~500mm。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 [单项选择]Museum Keeping Up with the Times
Graham Roux, director of the Lyall Bay Museum, announced today that the facility will undergo a major renovation over the next two years. The museum was initially built in 1974 ancl has received no significant structural upgrades since that time. Mr. Roux unveiled the redevelopment proposal at an official ceremony yesterday. During his speech, he indicated that, in its current state, the museum is too ordinary and lacks notable features to attract local visitors and foreign tourists. Mr. Roux has been working on the project since he was appointed lasl June. Although his ideas quickly generated enthusiasm in the community, raising the funds to carry out the task proved extremely difficult. His initial plan to charge admission to the museum met with fierce opposition. Instead, he finally managed to secure $20 million dollars from private sources, as well as a $4 million granl from the Lyall Bay Municipal Government, to fund the A. Its design is too modern. B. It looks unimpressive. C. It is in need of repair. D. Its display space is limited. [判断题]下列哪类不属于重大灾害事故应急救援中的个人防护等级一级 。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]二尖瓣脱垂
A.肝脏收缩期搏动 B.Graham-StEEll杂音 C.Austin-Flint杂音 D.收缩中晚期喀喇音 E.胸骨左缘2肋间连续性机器样杂音 [单项选择]关于肺活量的叙述,错误的是()
A. 最大吸气后呼出的最大气量 B. 为深吸气量和补呼气量之和 C. 其值有较大的个体差异 D. 其大小与呼吸肌强弱等有关 E. 是反映肺通气功能较完善的指标 [单选题]短期贷款是指期限在( )以内的贷款,长期贷款是指期限在( )以上的贷款。
A.1年2年 B.1年3年 C.1年5年 D.1年7年 [填空题]调车作业摘车时,必须停妥,按规定采取好防溜措施,方可(####)。
A. 情绪良好 B. 人际和谐 C. 智力正常 D. 人格完美 E. ,适应环境 [单选题]汽轮机汽封按结构分为( )、碳精式密封和水封式密封三种。
A.机械式密封 B.填料式密封 C.曲径式密封 D.干气式密封 [单选题]参阅图2-6深圳/宝安RWY15/16 标准仪表进场图,从平洲导航台上空进场的航空器若起始进近开始于强制报告点OVGOT,则所飞进场航线代号为
A.OVG-1XA B.SAR-1XA C.SAR-1XA D.BEK-1XA [判断题]最大可能准则决策方法是先将风险型决策问题转化为确定型决策问题,把面的多种可能发生的自然状态按最大概率准则确定为只有一种自然状态。
A. 关元、公孙、三阴交、行间、阴陵泉 B. 关元、公孙、足三里、隐白、太冲 C. 关元、公孙、三阴交、隐白、血海 D. 关元、公孙、足三里、隐白、内庭 E. 气海、三阴交、足三里、然谷、太溪 [单项选择]根据《华润置地住宅物业服务通用标准(2013版)》要求,项目交付1年内,对公共区域、设施设备进行后评估,并收集客户使用需求意见,形成系统性建议报告,以()的形式报送开发公司设计部门,并在物业公司存档。
A. 通知 B. 整改函 C. 备忘 D. 报告 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,列车乘务员对重点旅客要做到“三知”()。
A.知座席 B.知到站 C.知困难 D.知位置 我来回答: 提交