表6-3 设备窝工费用表 | |||
项 目 | 机械台班单价(元/台班) | 时 间(d) | 金额(元) |
9m3空压机 | 310 | 12 |
[单选题]根据《农家乐(民宿)建筑防火导则》,家乐(民宿)应( )进行一次消防安全巡检
A. 每2小时 B. 每日 C. 每日昼夜 D. 每周 [单项选择]设计合同示范文本规定,设计人的基本责任是( )。
A. 保证设计质量 B. 完成施工图设计 C. 配合施工 D. 保护发包人的知识产权 [单项选择]When I say that someone is in Shanghai for good, I mean that he is there______.
A. to find a good job B. for tile time being C. to live a happy life D. for ever [多项选择]关于E-MAIL,以下说法正确的有()。
A. 一个完整的E-MAIL地址主要由两大部分构成:邮箱所在主机的地址(域名)和用户的邮箱名 B. SMTP是简单邮件传送协议的英文缩写,主要的作用在于把用户的邮件发送到所指定的邮件服务器 C. 用户把远程邮箱中的个人邮件取回到本地计算机来一般采用POP3协议 D. 我们通常收发邮件所使用的Foxmail其实是E-MAIL的客户端程序 [简答题] The grammatical words which play so large a part in English
grammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different from
the lexical words. A rough and ready difference
which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical words (1)______
have "less meaning", but in fact some grammarians have (2)______
called them "empty" words as opposed in the "full" words of (3)______
vocabulary. But this is a rather misled way of expressing the (4)______
distinction. Although a word like the is not the name of something
as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; (5)______
there is a sharp difference in meaning between "man is vile"
and "the man is vile", yet the is the single vehicle of this (6)______
difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words differ
considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they (7)______
[填空题]To engage the reader’s interest, the author begins his article with a picturesque description of a cigarette advertising item.
A.平静呼吸 B.深慢呼吸 C.浅快呼吸 D.深快呼吸 E.胸式呼吸 [判断题]寿险的保险范围要比人身保险的范围广泛的多。
[多项选择]申请方、受审核方或获证方对认证机构的各项活动持有异议时,可( )。
A. 向仲裁机构提出仲裁 B. 向其认证机构提出申诉 C. 向其认证机构上级主管部门提出申诉 D. 向人民法院起诉 E. 向申请单位上级主管部门提出申诉 [单项选择]在地震设防地区、大风地区或屋面坡度大于( )时,全部瓦材应采取固定加强措施。
A. 20% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50% [单项选择]社会工作督导传统上以( )为主。
A. 非直接式督导 B. 同事督导 C. 团体督导 D. 同伴督导 E. 个别督导 [单项选择]发动机异响的类型()干摩擦声响,爆炸声响。
A. 润滑不良 B. 间隙超限 C. 撞击声响 [填空题]valley5
[单选题]某县人民政府以发展县域经济为由,在土地利用总体规划以外,批准征用农用地15公顷,其中包括基本农田5公顷,供该县经济投资开发总公司建设原料加工园区。下列对该批准行为的表述中错误的是( )。①县政府无权批准征用基本农田,也无权批准该宗农用地转为建设用地;②县政府无权批准征用基本农田,但有权批准该宗农用地除去基本农田以外的部分转为建设用地;③县政府可以先将该基本农田转为一般农用地,然后批准该宗农用地转为建设用地;④县政府可以先修改土地利用总体规划,然后在该规划范围内批准该宗农用地除去基本农田以外的部分转为建设用地
A.①③④ B.① C.①②③ D.②③④ [多选题]在生产安全事故应急救援方面,施工单位应当( )。
A.制定本单位生产安全事故应急救援预案 B.制定安全防护措施 C.建立应急救援组织或者配备应急救援人员 D.定期组织演练 E.配备必要的应急救援器材、设备 [单选题]高处作业人员应系好安全带,戴好( ),禁止穿带钉易滑的鞋。
A.安全帽、衣着轻便 B.安全帽、穿好防滑鞋 C.安全帽、架好安全网 [简答题]简述马克思社会资本再生产理论的两个基本原理。
[多项选择]部门法划分的原则有( )。
A. 客观原则 B. 目的原则 C. 平衡原则 D. 稳定原则 [简答题] Should You Jump on the Technological Bandwagon (时尚)
Technological Advances and Their Influence
Within the last 20 years, we have been swamped with new technology which has helped us run our businesses faster, and hopefully better. Recently, some of us have begun to question whether the onslaught of ever newer technology is really helping us as much as the initial improvements did. Just because a technology is new doesn’’t necessarily mean that it is better. Perhaps what we should be asking is "What technology can we really use "
We all have some hi-tech products that we’’ve bought but don’’t use. Many of us have a VCR with so many complex functions that we have difficulty programming it to record a program. Similarly, we have seen workers spend an hour playing with a computer program to print out a single mailing label which could have been more quickly done on a typewriter.
Every business may not be able to afford all of these new toys. And they may
A.生产、经营、使用 B.自行检测 C.及时申报 D.及时维护 [填空题] 主变压器采用()冷却。
[多选题]钻开浅气层的准备工作有( )。
A.进行安全技术交底; B.储备压井液; C.配备可靠的井口设备和安全报警装置; D.采用较低的循环泵速。 [单选题]下列与“昭陵六骏”有关的人物是()。
A.朱元璋 B.项羽 C.李世民 D.刘邦 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产禁令》第七条的规定,严禁未经()接地进入设备安全距离范围内。
A.许可 B.停电 C.验电 D.悬挂标识牌 [单选题]在自动站间闭塞区段,超长列车头部越过出站信号机并压上出站方面轨道电路发车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为( )。
A.调度命令 B.路票 C.绿色许可证 我来回答: 提交