If a new charter of the rights of
people (in the First World, or North, or whatever you like to call the part
where people to not on the whole starve) were to be drawn up, there is no doubt
that the right to be a tourist, to go to a Spanish beach or to visit places
endorsed as being of cultural or scenic interest, would be prominent among its
clauses. The mythology of tourism is that of the idyll--of outdoor pleasures,
eating, drinking and love-making with neither hangover nor remorse. But whereas
the ancient poets knew that idylls were an art form, modern tourists are
persuaded to believe that they can be bought for the price of a plane ticket and
a hotel room. So it is not surprising that so many tourists look bewildered,
dazed, even at times despondent. They are exchanging the comforts of home, where a particular way of living has been laboriously and A. tourism makes people unhappy and ruins whole cultures B. tourist agencies should do more to promote tourism at home C. tourists are exploited by both travel organizations and tourist countries D. the tourist industry is not yet able to meet the demands of today’s tourists [单选题]油品的相对密度随温度的升高而( )。
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 D.变化不大 [多项选择]下列行为,属于违反《中华人民共和国会计法》,应承担法律责任的有( )。
A. 不依法设置会计账簿的 B. 为提高会计信息质量而变更会计处理方法的 C. 私设会计账簿的 D. 任用会计人员不符合《中华人民共和国会计法》 [多选题] 专用线或货物线调车作业,未检查( )、大门开启状态及线路两侧货物堆放情况等,严禁作业。
A.停留车位置 B.货物装载状态 C.车数 D.线路 [单项选择]“哑帐-应收未收”账户中的记录表示的是离店客人消费款()预付款。
A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 大于等于 [判断题]红线事项:工程结算、决算管理不到位,结算费用不真实的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,58岁,上腹隐痛10年,体重减轻,半年间有黑便。体检发现左锁骨上窝2cm×2cm淋巴结2个。患者淋巴结特点应为()。
A. 坚硬、无压痛、表面突出 B. 稍硬、无压痛、表面光滑 C. 稍硬、大小不等、相互粘连 D. 橡皮样感、压痛、易推动 E. 橡皮样感、无压痛、不易推动 [单项选择]扫描床的定位精度是
A. 0.2mm B. 0.25mm C. 0.5mm D. 1mm E. 1.5mm [单选题]下面哪种基坑工程支护体系,称为桩板式支护结构,适用于土质较好,不需要抗渗止水或地下水位低的基坑。( )
A.H 型钢(工字钢)桩加横挡板 B.挡土灌注桩支护 C.土钉墙支护结构 D.钢板桩支护 [单选题]距牵引供电设备支柱及牵引供电设备带电部分____范围以内,具备接入综合接地条件的金属结构应纳入综合接地系统。
A.2m B.5m C.8m D.10m [判断题]电力系统的暂态稳定是指电力系统在某种运行方式下突然受到大的扰动后,经过一个机电暂态过程达到新的稳定运行状态或回到原来的稳定状态。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交