All over Europe, and in North America, there’re lakes and forests which are dead or (71) and the (72) is thought to be acid rain. What is acid rain Mr. Justin Cook, a scientist, explains: "All fossil fuels, (矿物燃料),that (73) oil, coal and gas, contain sulphur. When these are burnt, for example (74) motor vehicles, they form sulphuric acid (硫酸)This (75) UP into the air, and soon it falls back to (76) , into lakes and (77) trees in forests." This can cause many local problems. 78 a result, lakes become acidic, fish disappear and trees are killed. The pollution is carried great distances by the wind, so sulphuric acid (79) in Britain can travel as far as Scandinavia (斯堪的纳维亚). Czech is one of the countries with the most acid rains and large areas of (80) consist only (81) dead trees.
Is there (82) that can be done about acid rain Mr. cook says: "The rain (83) A. mean
B. measure
C. methods
D. solutions
Most people would be impressed by the
high quality of medicine available to most Americans. There is a lot of
specialization, a great deal of attention to the individual, a vast amount of
advanced technical equipment, and intense effort not to make mistakes because of
the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must face in the courts if they
handle things badly. But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not looking after the less fortunate and the elderly. But even with this huge public part of the system, which this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars—more than 10 percent of the U.S. budget—large A. millions of jobless people get support B. those with steady income do not seek help C. some people are made ineligible to benefit D. those with private health care are excluded [填空题]精心操作电器设备,保持作业现场整洁,坚持文明生产、不违反劳动纪律、( )、( )。
[单选题]列车进路上的开始继电器KJ,在( )后复原。
A.第一个道岔区段解锁 B.信号开放 C.信号关闭 D.最后一个道岔区段解锁 [多选题]下列哪些部位是包装编码为4G的容器的跌落部位?;
A.底部 B.顶部 C.棱 D.角 [单选题]我国110kV及以上等级充油电缆基本都安装了()实现油压在线实时监控。
A.油压报警系统 B.红外测温仪 C.红外热像仪 [单项选择]下属对行业标准叙述错误的是()。
A. 由国务院有关行政主管部门编制计划,组织草拟,统一审批、编号、发布,并报国务院标准化行政主管部门备案 B. 没有国家标准,而又需要在全国某个行业范围内统一的技术要求时制定 C. 行业标准是对国家标准的补充 D. 行业标准在相应国家标准实施后,仍可使用 [多选题]“信e贷”评级授信模型主要包含以下模块:( )。
A.单一准入策略模型 B.组合准入策略模型 C.评级模型 D.评级准入模型 E.额度测算模型 F.利率定价模型 [判断题]知识培训饭店管理的基础知识、岗位操作知识、英语绘画知识等等。
[单选题]关于普通单开道岔的描述,( )是正确的
A. A.道岔中心指的是直线线路中心线与侧线线路中心线的交点 B.B.道岔前长是从道岔中心至基本轨前端的距离 C.C.道岔后长是从道岔中心至辙叉尾端的距离 D.D.道岔全长是从基本轨前端到辙叉尾端的距离 [简答题]何谓胆碱能危象?
[判断题] PCM设备用于时钟信号的远距离传输。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交