It has been necessary to refer
repeatedly to the effects of the two world wars in promoting all kinds of
innovation. It should be{{U}} (21) {{/U}}also that technological
innovations have{{U}} (22) {{/U}}the character of war itself by{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}of new mechanical and chemical devices. One weapon
developed during World War Ⅱ{{U}} (24) {{/U}}a special mention. The{{U}}
(25) {{/U}}of rocket propulsion was well known earlier, and Us
possibilities as a{{U}} (26) {{/U}}of achieving speeds sufficient to
escape from the Earth’ s gravitational pull had been{{U}} (27) {{/U}}by
the Russian and the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in 1926.{{U}} (28) {{/U}}, a group of German and Romanian pioneers was working{{U}} (29) {{/U}}the same lines, and in the 1930s, it was tins team that developed a A. introduction B. innovation C. elimination D. alteration [多选题]长期或大剂量应用会引起高血钾的利尿药有哪些
A.乙酰唑胺 B.氨苯蝶啶 C.螺内酯 D.阿米洛利 E.呋塞米 [填空题]
Celebrity Endorsements The pitfalls of celebrity marketing become apparent anywhere very quickly. In today’s borderless world of the Internet and YouTube, any celebrity misstep is captured for posterity, and any brand that is truly global needs to think globally about this problem. Consumers outside of the U.S. are often far less forgiving of poor behavior. At a time when consumers are cutting back and brands need to stretch their marketing dollars farther than ever, the risks in celebrities may mean that marketing money should be spent elsewhere. In China Christian Dior got hit harder than any of Phelps’ brands when its celebrity endorser, Sharon Stone, made cruel remarks about the millions of victims of the Sichuan earthquake last year, saying they deserved what they got because of China’s treatment of the Dalai Lama. (8) Liu Xiang, China’s star hurdler, is perhaps the country’s most visible celebrity, and bra [单项选择]以下关于颌下腺炎的叙述哪项是错误的
A. 多为涎石造成唾液排出受阻继发感染所致 B. 反复发作者颌下腺可呈硬结性肿块 C. 双手触诊应从导管前部向后进行 D. 少数涎石X线片可能不显影 E. 腺内涎石需作颌下腺摘除术 [填空题]工程量清单中开列的工程量是根据本工程的设计提供的预计工程量,不能作为承包人在履行合同义务中应予完成工程的实际和准确的工程量,实际工程量必须在施工过程中通过()才能获得。
[单选题]76划分子网其实就是将原来地址中的主机位借位作为子网位来使用,目前规定借位必须(? )连续借位,即子网掩码中的1和0必须是连续的。
A.A、从右到左 B.B、从上到下 C.C、从下到上 D.D、从左向右 [判断题]行政处罚中的“责令停止生产”是有时间限制的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CA6140车床主轴电动机M2的过载保护由( )完成。
A.接触器自锁环节 B.低压断路器QF C.电源开关 D.热继电器KH1 [单项选择]在社会主义市场经济条件下,对于一些比较重要的城市规划,为了集思广益,可以用规划项目招标的方式,确定规划( )。
A. 组织单位 B. 设计单位 C. 审核单位 D. 评估单位 [简答题]领导班子及成员“三个摆进去”的要求是什么?
A. 生物电子等排置换 B. 起生物烷化剂作用 C. 立体位阻增大 D. 改变药物的理化性质,有利于进入肿瘤细胞 E. 供电子效应 [单选题]新疆有一座晚清名臣的祠堂,悬挂一副楹联:“提挈自东西……十年戎马书生老;指挥定中外……万里寒鸦相国寺。”它颂扬的是( )。
A.曾国藩 B.李鸿章 C.左宗棠 D.张之洞 [多选题]生产场所的工件、物料应摆放平稳,堆码整齐,不得( ),不得放在临边、缝隙、洞口等附近,不得妨碍通行。
A.超高 B.超重 C.超长 我来回答: 提交