A satisfactory psychological theory
must allow us to predict behavior. For instance, a satisfactory theory of hunger
will allow us to predict when people will eat and not eat. A broadly satisfying,
{{U}} (51) {{/U}}theory should have a wide range of applicability.
A broad theory of hunger might apply {{U}} (52) {{/U}}human beings
and lower animals, to normal weight and overweight people, and to people who
have{{U}} (53) {{/U}}of food for differing lengths of time. If our{{U}}
(54) {{/U}}cannot be adequately explained by or predicted from a given
theory, we should consider revising or replacing that theory. In psychology many theories have been found to be{{U}} (55) {{/U}}of explaining or predicting new observations. As a result they have been revised{{U}} (56) {{/U}}.For e A. excessive B. competitive C. decisive D. comprehensive [单选题]正压式空气呼吸器气瓶的工作压力不得低于( )MPa。
A.30 B.25 C.20 D.35 [多选题]按照存储介质和存储技术,目前主流的存储方式分为:()
A.磁盘存储 B.磁带存储 C.光存储 D.磁光存储 [单选题]AA04当交流电流密度为70A/m2时,判断交流干扰强度为( )。
A.无 B.弱 C.中 D.高 [单选题]《特种设备安全监察条例》所称特种设备是指涉及生命安全、危险性较大的锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶)、( )、电梯、起重机械、客运索道、大型游乐设施、场(厂)内专用机动车辆。
A.压力管道 B.工业管道 C.长输管道 D.公用管道 [单选题]磁浮公司在处置应急疏散时,成立磁浮公司运营突发事件应急指挥部,应急指挥部办公室设在( )。
A.OCC B.DCC C.MCC D.车站 [单选题] 在 CD 光盘上标记有“CD-RW”字样,“RW”标记表明该光盘是
A.只能写入一次,可以反复读出的一次性写入光盘 B.可多次擦除型光盘 C.只能读出,不能写入的只读光盘 D.其驱动器单倍速为1350KB/S的高密度可读写光盘 [判断题]全钒液流电池的储能容量只取决于电解液储量和浓度,输出功率只取决于电池堆的大小。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]不合格药品的色标
A.红色 B.绿色 C.粉色 D.黄绿色 E.黄色 [单项选择]妊娠合并子宫肌瘤时,最可能发生的变性是下列哪一种
A. 玻璃样变性 B. 囊性变 C. 红色变性 D. 脂肪变性 E. 肉瘤样变 [单选题]高血压失代偿期心脏变为( )
A.左心室向心性肥大 B.左心室明显扩张 C.左心室乳头肌明显增粗 D.左心室肌收缩力加强 E.心肌出现弥漫性纤维化 [单项选择] Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the conversation. At what time does Professor Howl’s class probably meet A. From 8:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. B. From 10:00a. m. to 12:00a.m. C. From 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. D. From 4:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. [判断题]新时期卫生工作的指导方针的核心是为人民健康服务,为社会主义现代服务。
[单项选择]A 22-year-old client is diagnosed with dependent personality disorder. Which behavior is most likely to indicate her ineffective coping
A. Inability to make choices and decisions without advice. B. Showing interest only in solitary activities. C. Avoiding developing relationships. D. Recurrent self-destructive behavior with history of depression. [判断题]"一张工单"是指同一协议中需网络施工的产品,交由同一装维队伍,一次上门,一起交付?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]109.在下图所示的某注水井实测卡片中,两个卡片中()是第二层段水量。
A.第Ⅰ台阶—第Ⅱ台阶高度 B.第Ⅱ台阶—第Ⅲ台阶高度 C.第Ⅲ台阶—第Ⅳ台阶高度 D.第Ⅳ台阶高度 [判断题]触电者神志不清,判断意识无,有心跳,但呼吸停止或极微弱时,应立即用仰头抬颏法,使气道开放,并对触电者施行心脏按压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某电网公司将两根电线杆放置在某山路边,拟用于施工。甲与乙见后,趁无人之际,用榔头将电线杆的混凝土砸掉,将其中的钢筋取走后卖掉。经鉴定,两根电线杆的价值为900元,其中钢筋价值480元。下列说法不正确的是()
A.对甲、乙以盗窃予以处罚; B.甲、乙采取破坏性手段盗窃,应视为情节较重从重处罚; C.对甲、乙以故意损毁财物予以处罚; D.甲、乙构成共同违反治安管理行为 [单选题]癫痫精神运动性发作首选的药物是( )。
A.苯妥英钠 B.卡马西平 C.丙戊酸钠 D.地西泮 E.苯巴比妥 我来回答: 提交