There is one difference between the
sexes on which virtually every expert and study agree: Men are more aggressive
than women. It shows up in two-year-olds. It continues through school days and
persists into adulthood. It is even constant across cultures. And there is
little doubt that it is rooted in biology--in the male sex hormone
testosterone. If there’s a feminine trait that’s the counterpart of male aggressiveness, it’s what social scientists awkwardly refer to as "nurturance". Feminists have argued that the nurturing nature of women is not biological in origin, but rather has been drummed into women by a society that wanted to keep them in the home. But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore. Just as tiny infant girls respond more readily to human faces, female toddlers learn much faster A. denies the difference sexes make in real life B. treats sex difference objectively C. discourages women to be competitive D. is prejudiced against men [单选题] 国家电网有限公司“国民经济保障者”的定位,体现的是( )。
A. 作为国有重点骨干企业的属性 B. 作为能源电力企业的属性 C. 作为公用事业企业的属性 D. 引领全球能源革命先锋的属性 [多选题]下列哪些活动须经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准?( )
A.商业银行的设立 B.商业银行设立分支机构 C.商业银行的分立、合并 D.商业银行的解散 [单选题]飞机在着陆形态,哪种情况下出现的起落架形态警告是无法用起落架警告切断电门终止的?
A.襟翼15,一个推力手柄位置小于10度,另一个大于30度 B.襟翼15,两个推力手柄位置都小于30度 C.襟翼大于15,推力手柄在任何位置 D.上述1、2和3 [多项选择]肾功能不良患者避免使用的抗菌药物有( )
A. 头孢噻吩 B. 头孢唑林 C. 磺胺嘧啶 D. 庆大霉素 E. 氨苄西林 [单项选择]《城市房地产管理法》规定,以出让方式取得建设用地使用权的,转让房地产后,受让人改变原建设用地使用权出让合同约定的土地用途,必须取得( )同意,并依法办理相关手续。
A. 原出让方和市、县规划行政主管部门 B. 原出让方 C. 城乡规划行政主管部门 D. 转让人 [多选题]工作票由()填写。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作人员(负责人) C.工作许可人 D.专责监护人 [填空题]甜菜叶
[不定项选择题]根据交通运输部《城市轨道交通初期运营前安全评估技术规范 第1部分:地铁和轻轨》第九十三条测试内容“列车行驶至被测区间指定位置停车( )S(停车时间应根据系统设计而定)模拟阻塞模式,停车时间超过信号系统阻塞报警设定时间后,在控制中心记录阻塞报警信息上报情况及区间阻塞模式执行等处理过程”
A.60 B.50 C.40 D.80 E.240 [单选题] 对于直线特性阀,最大开度和最小开度应()。
A. ≤80%,≥30% B.. ≤80%,≥10% C. ≤90%,≥30% [判断题]体育手段具有历史性、阶级性、国际性、民族性和地域性的特点。
[单选题] 关于硬件辅助虚拟化技术叙述错误的是:
A.必须靠系统硬件来完成虚拟化的过程 B.使用Hypervisor分享存储底层的硬件 C.使用半虚拟技术的Xen也通过该技术做到支持Windows、Mac等一些闭源的操作系统 D.能够提高全虚拟的效率 [判断题]实行煤矿安全监察制度,是贯彻执行安全生产方针、坚持依法治理安全的一项基本制度。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]YW25K空调电热装置正常工作时,所有电热器罩板表面任意点温度不应高于( )摄氏度。
A.50 B.100 C.68 D.80 [多选题]关于委托贷款的表述,错误的有( )。
A.借款人由委托人指定 B.银行确定贷款金额、期限、利率 C.委托贷款的风险由银行承担 D.银行作为受托人收取手续费 E.委托贷款的资金提供方必须是银行 [判断题]LFC21106 升力是由翼型上下表面压力差产生的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}} In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework. But as useful as computers are, they’re nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for human like behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid. A growing group of AI researchers think they know where the field went wrong. The problem, the scientists say, is that Al has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. A new movement in AI, on the other hand, takes a closer look at the more roundabout way in which nat A. The only approach to building an artificially intelligent computer. B. The only way for them to win a prize in artificial intelligence research. C. The only area worth studying in computer science. D. The only game they would like to play in town. 我来回答: 提交