技术交底编制原则是什么 |
It is not forbidden to dream of
building a better world, which is by and large what the social sciences try to
help us to do. How to make cities more harmonious, reduce crime rates, improve
welfare, overcome racism, increase our wealth—this is the stuff of social
sciences. The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often
dismissed as being too theoretical, too ambitious or too unpalatable. The
methods of research are also often attacked for their lack of rigor, and critics
are quick to point out that the people who make the important decisions pay
little attention to what social scientists have to say anyway. This would change
if the social sciences made themselves more relevant and ready for the society
of the 21st century. Social sciences began to take shape in the 19th century, but came into their own at the beg A. took ascendancy over other disciplines. B. became important in their own right. C. developed their own particular set of problems. D. developed from other disciplines but branched out. [多选题]中途新加入的工作班成员,应由()对其进行安全交底并履行确认手续。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.专责监护人 [单选题]中国的建筑是独具特色的,不仅因为其历史悠久,还由于其人文和历史环境的独特,形成了与西方完全不同的体系与类型。这些年来,不知道是不是被外来的文化搞得弄不清方向了,中国建筑的博大精深以及传统的技术和艺术中的精彩似乎逐步被人们遗忘。所以,我们要呼唤中国建筑的回归,回归中国建筑中蕴藏着的许多优秀的传统——在这些年造了这么多房屋之后,本也该好好地反思一下。这段文字意在强调:( )
A.中国建筑有着与西方建筑不同的体系与类型 B.外来文化对中国建筑风格产生了不良的影响 C.中国建筑中的优良传统应该得到回归 D.当前需重新思考中国建筑的发展方向 [判断题] 催化裂化装置应用提升管技术后产品质量及收率得到了改善,操作弹性更好,适合处理重质原料,且对再生剂含碳要求不高。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]以下程序的输出结果是()_。
Main {int m=15,n=26; Printf("%d***%d",++m,n++;} [单选题]维修天窗双线不少于(120 )分钟;单线不少于90分钟,
A.A、90 B.B、120 C.C、180 D.D、240 [单选题]家用燃气灶具熄火保护装置开阀时间不应大于( )秒?
A.25 B.35 C.15 D.20 [多选题]下列属于引起电能计量装置失准、故障的原因的选项有()。
A.由于电能计量装置容量一定,若使用的负荷太大,可使电能计量装置长期过负荷发热而烧坏 B.由于电能计量装置装设地点过于潮湿或漏雨、雪等使其绝缘降低,致使绝缘击穿烧坏 C.由于电能计量装置的接触点或焊接点接触不良,使之发热,而导致烧坏 D.由于地震等其他自然灾害而损毁 我来回答: 提交