Wholesale prices in July rose more
sharply than expected and at a faster rate than consumer prices, (1)
that businesses were still protecting consumers (2)
the full brunt(冲击) of higher energy costs. The Producer Price Index, (3) measures what producers receive for goods and services, (4) 1 percent in July, the Labor Department reported yesterday, double (5) economists had been expecting and a sharp turnaround from flat prices in June. Excluding (6) and energy, the core index of producer prices rose 0.4 percent, (7) than the 0.1 percent that economists had (8) . Much of that increase was a result of an (9) increase in car and truck prices. On Tuesday, the Labor Department said the (10) that consumers paid for goods and services in July were (11) 0.5 per A. said B. reported C. calculated D. forecast [单选题]化工生产中强化职业责任是()职业道德规范的具体要求
A.团结协作 B.诚实守信 C.勤劳节俭 D.爱岗敬业 [简答题]钢轨折断的标准?
[单选题]定级收购是决定烟叶( )的关键环节,一旦出现质量问题,不但影响烟叶的使用质量,还会影响烟叶收购秩序等。
A.收购质量 B.等级质量 C.商品质量 D.使用质量 [单项选择]你要与一群来自某个北方小岛的商人进行谈判。数个世纪以来,这个海岛的居民都以武断好斗而闻名于世,他们总是喜欢不停地说,而不愿意听别人讲。由于海岛常受大风的袭击,只有强者才能生存下来,这种生活环境也把他们造就成了强硬的谈判对手。为了得到年度分红,你在这场谈判不能失败。因此,你必须把注意力放在()
A. 谈判房间的座位安排 B. 要迎合坐在谈判桌对面的最强有力的谈判对手来赢得他的信任 C. 积极聆听 D. 为谈判进程的每个步骤都设定严格的时间限制并遵守该限制 [单项选择]以下哪些食物不是人体维生素D的主要食物来源()
A. 鱼肝油 B. 大米 C. 卵黄 D. 鱼子 E. 猪肝 [填空题]《违章考核管理办法》十大禁令:严禁未经风险辨识、安全交底就进行()作业,严禁未现场落实作业措施就审批票证。
Internet is a vast network of computers that connects many of the world’s businesses, institutions, and individuals. (46) The Internet, which means interconnected network of networks, links tens of thousands of smaller computer networks. These networks transmit huge amounts of information in the form of words, images, and sounds. [判断题] 水泵噪声可采取安装减振装置及隔声罩综合治理。判断
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]情绪反应
A. 是指人和动物心理活动伴有的生理反应 B. 可以表现为交感神经系统相对亢进 C. 可以表现为副交感神经系统相对亢进 D. 情绪反应是大脑皮层活动的结果 [判断题]发现有人溺水,如救人者不会水中救护,应立即呼叫救护车和周围人帮助救人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]气瓶押运人员应坐在驾驶室内,或坐在车厢内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]值类型比引用类型的执行效率( )
A.高 B.低 C.相同 D.视情况而定 [单选题]火灾自动报警系统,应 每( )对空气采样机管道进行清洗,对空气采样机报警和故障功能进行试验。
A.3个月 B.6个月 C.一年 D.两年 [单选题]关于急性心力衰竭患者的急救,下列处理措施错误的是( )。
A.半卧位或端坐位,双下肢下垂 B.低流量吸氧 C.静脉注射吗啡镇静 D.应用血管扩张剂 我来回答: 提交