Two hundred years ago, American
students went to American schools. Like you, they studied arithmetic, spelling
and geography. Unlike you, they also studied Greek and Latin. In fact, students
spent more than half their time studying Greek and Latin. The same was true for most students in Europe. Until the seventh century, all educated Europeans knew Latin. It did not matter if they lived in England or Italy or France or Spain. If they were educated, they knew Latin. During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek as well as Latin. Greek and A. people B. future C. beginning D. culture [单选题]在综合应急演练前,通过安全(),确认演练所需的工具、设备、设施、技术资料以及参演人员到位。
A.检查 B.会议 C.评审 [单项选择]Johanna is the woman () Maria is studying the piano.
A. of whom B. with whom C. by whom D. in whom [单项选择]在期货交易中,每次报价的最小变动数值应当是其合约规定的最小变动价位的( )。
A. 整数倍 B. 2倍 C. 3倍 D. 10倍 [简答题]试述治疗外伤性截瘫的针灸操作。
[单项选择]Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.
What was said to have been stolen A. A book. B. $ 3000. C. A handbag. D. A Christmas car [单项选择]我国目前固定资产的保险金额可()确定。
A. 按最近12个月的平均账面余额 B. 按最近一个月的平均账面余额 C. 按最近三年的平均账面余额 D. 按重置重建价值 [填空题]高铁快运计价采取“( )”模式,具体为首重为( ),计价单位为元。[通话记录客客【2015】36号]
[单选题]公安机关应当在收到被处罚人提出暂缓执行行政拘留申请之时起( )内作出决定。
A.12小时 B.24小时 C.36小时 D.48小时 [填空题]( ):指在车站不进行改编作业的中转列车。
[单选题]国家电网公司信息系统运行维护规程-总册中规定,系统首次安装完成后必须进行备份,每次系统配置变更前后需进行系统备份,至少保留( )历史备份,每年定期备份一次。
A.1份 B.2份 C.3份 D.4份 [单项选择]眼眶周围发黑,其病机是()
A. 肾精亏虚 B. 肾阳虚 C. 肾虚水饮 D. 瘀血内停 E. 肾阴虚 我来回答: 提交