Scientific research has revealed that
throughout the animal world, communication is just as important as it is to
human beings. Countless animals lack the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}for human
speech, yet they employ entirely different methods in order to communicate{{U}}
(68) {{/U}}each other. Some of the most dramatic examples of this are
provided by birds. There arc roughly 10000{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of birds in
the world, each of which has its own miraculous features. {{U}} (70)
{{/U}}you may live, you can see a great number of these feathered creatures
and can{{U}} (71) {{/U}}different and extraordinary properties. In
addition to their flawless flight mechanisms, expertise{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}the routes and timing of migrations, and ability to build nests, their
methods to communicate is{{U}} (73) {{/U}}wonder. At critical times in
birds’ lives, the A. flagging B. flapping C. flashing D. flipping [单选题]以下不属于储蓄存款支取与销户环节申请、审核风险点的是( )(0.14分)
A.客户表现 B.存折(单、卡)真实性 C.无折取款 D.资料返还 [单项选择]《灵枢?本神》提出“肝气实则……”()
A. 恐 B. 怒 C. 惊 D. 悲 E. 笑 [多选题]钳形电流表可以用来测(____)。
A.交流电流 B.直流电流 C.交流电压 D.电阻 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产巡查检查督查管理实施细则Q/CSG2093075-2021》
附录G 现场作业违章扣分条款:以上情景出现的违章现象有( )。 A. 未按规定使用电气操作票进行操作 B. 未按规定办理厂站、线路第一种工作票开展现场作业 C. 高处作业未按规定使用安全带等防坠落用品、装置,或安全带未挂在牢固的构件上,或作业过程中失去防坠落保护 D. 工作票未经许可或工作票所列安全措施未全部落实前,工作负责人即安排工作班成员开始作业 [单选题] 非公职人员涉嫌利用影响力受贿罪的,如何确定管辖,下列哪一选项是最正确的:( )
A.所利用的公职人员的管理权限 B.住址所在地 C.户籍所在地 [单选题]在10kV跌落式熔断器上桩头有电的情况下,如必须进行工作,则应采用专用绝缘罩隔离,在下桩头加装接地线。作业人员站在低位,伸手不得超过跌落式熔断器( ),并设专人监护。
A.上桩头 B.中间位置 C.下桩头 D.横担位置 [单选题]100:(单选题)行为人自动放弃实施违反治安管理行为或者自动有效地防止违反治安管理行为结果发生,没有造成损害的,应当()。
A.从轻处罚 B.减轻处罚 C.不予处罚 D.从轻处罚、减轻处罚或者不予处罚 我来回答: 提交