Advertising played a vital role in the
change of the American economy from one in which most goods were produced and
sold locally to one developed mainly by brand names and products sold
nationally. Before the 1880s, most advertisements consisted entirely of print. The print itself was primarily informational: it described the product and where it could be achieved. The few images that ads contained were highly stylized. Very few ads featured slogans (口号,标语) or brand names. Beginning in the 1890s, however, advertisements experienced a great change. They began to look like advertising today, focusing on visual images, slogans, catch-phrases, and importance of individual’s health and psychological wealth. The J. Waiter Thompson advertising agency sold Scott tissue by warning consumers of "the troubles caused by harsh toilet tissue". Luc A. advertising improved the product quality B. advertising helped expand the goods distribution area C. the change of American economy was necessary D. producing and selling goods locally was the primary form of American economy [单项选择]基层人民法院及其派出法庭在审理事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的民事案件时,可适用()。
A. 特别程序 B. 简易程序 C. 督促程序 D. 公示催告程序 [判断题]调节阀的填料放得越多越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出站信号机以显示( )信号为定位。
A.停车 B.注意 C.减速 D.进行 [判断题]对月用电量较大的用户,供电企业按用户月电费确定每月分若干次收费,各次收费金额合计即为当月应收电费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对主电瓶和APU电瓶描述正确的时( )
A.镍镉电瓶、输出电压标准为24+4V、可以完全互换 B.镍氢电瓶、输出电压标准为24±4V、可以完全互换 C.镍镉电瓶、输出电压标准为24+4V、不能互换 D.镍氢电瓶、输出电压标准为24±4V、不能互换 [多选题]BH003 泄露按照密封部位分成( )。
A.静密封泄露 B.动密封泄露 C.开启件泄露 D.关闭件泄露 [判断题]填用电力电缆第一种工作票的工作应经调控人员的许可。若进入变、配电站、发电厂工作,都应经运维人员许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What benefits do touring bring to the performer
A. 血栓机化 B. 出血性增生性炎 C. 血肿机化 D. 肉芽肿形成 E. 肉芽组织形成 [单选题]( ),是指我国综合国力进一步增强,中国特色社会主义事业进一步发展和完善。
A.国家富裕 B.国家富强 C.国家强大 D.国家强盛 我来回答: 提交