In The Birth Order Book Why You Are the
Way You Are (2004), Dr. Kevin Leman notes that 21 of the first 23 Americans in
space were first-born males or only children. More than half of United States
presidents have been first-borns or first-born boys. It’s a pretty significant
finding historically, because families used to be bigger than they are
today. In addition to being high achievers, older children also generally have higher IQs (智商) than younger ones. Researchers have noted that the more kids a family has, the lower each child’s individual IQ tends to be. They give a few reasons for this. Parents only have so much time, attention, and money. The more kids they have, the more these things are divided. First-borns initially get the entire parental-time pie. What’s more, the ratio of grown-ups to kids decreases with eac A. Later-borns do not compete for attention. B. First-borns tend to become rebels. C. Later-borns are prone to diseases. D. First-borns achieve more than younger ones. [单选题]公司各级单位应按照“实际、实用、实效”的原则,建立横向到边、纵向到底、上下对应、内外衔接的( )。
A.安全监督管理体系 B.三级网络体系 C.事故调查体系 D.应急预案体系 [单选题]备份系统应为()的备份在服务器中建立在线式的索引,当用户需要恢复时,只需点取在线式索引中需要恢复的文件或数据,该系统就会自动进行文件的恢复。
A. 每半天 B. 每天 C. 每三天 D. 每五天 [单项选择]属于伤亡事故直接经济损失的统计范围有( )。
A. 善后处理费用 B. 人身伤亡报告 C. 生产价值 D. 宣传费用支出 [多项选择]FW&UTM产品的共同点是什么()?
A. 操作系统相同 B. 硬件平台相同 C. 产品功能相同 D. 产品资质相同 [单选题]某站线曲线半径≤250m,用20m弦测量,缓和曲线的正矢与计算正矢差的日常保持容许偏差管理值为(8)mm。
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 E.8 F.9 [单选题]397、特种作业人员必须年满( )周岁
A.18 B.19 C.20 [多选题]2.34.第34题
容量在()kVA及以上并列运行的变压器或作为其它负荷备用电源的单独运行的变压器,应装设过负荷保护。对多绕组变压器,保护装置应能反应变压器各侧的过负荷。()保护应带时限动作于信号。 A.315 B.400 C.过电流 D.过负荷 [简答题]消瘦病人有哪些表现?
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