Whether you recently moved into a new home or you’ve just got the gardening itch, planning a new garden can be a great deal of fun. The opportunity to act as creator can be very appealing. But anyone who has gardened for long has learned the necessity of accommodating nature and has developed a sense of humility in the process.
(41) Weather matters
The first thing to determine is what will grow in the spot available for your garden. This is where many gardeners make their first mistake. Too often plants are purchased before thought has been given to the conditions under which they will have to grow. One of chief factors determining what will grow in a particular spot is the weather conditions the plants will be subjected to.
(42) Lay of the land
Next, you will need to determine what type of soil you’ll be working with. The three main constituents of soil are sand, silt and clay, Silt particles are of intermediate size. An
Dear Mr. Mills, In reply to your letter of April 20, I would (21) to inform(通知) you that there are a (22) of beautiful summer cottages(小别墅) for sale here in Ocean City. For example, we have a modern two-storey house that is (23) up to date. It is two blocks from the sea and you may find this a disadvantage(不利), but, (24) all, the opening of the summer (25) is only a few weeks from now, and finding a house (26) to the ocean than that is (27) out of the question. The house I’m speaking of has two bedrooms and a porch(门廊) that can be (28) for sleeping. For this reason, I consider it as a very good buy. The plumbing(给水管道) is out of order at the (29) , but this will be repaired, of course. The price is reasonable; as a matter of A. giving B. offering C. getting D. making [判断题]可动心轨辙叉咽喉钢枕及轨下胶垫和防切垫片损坏、失效时,应及时进行修理或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]干冷气体直接吸入,易诱发支气管痉挛或哮喘发作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]刘女士,67岁,患大叶性肺炎,高热昏迷10天,10天内给予大量抗生素治疗,近日发现其口腔粘膜破溃,创面上附着白色膜状物,拭去附着物可见创面轻微出血。为该病人口腔护理时,可选用的口腔漱口液是()
A.生理盐水 B.1%——4%碳酸氢钠溶液 C.朵贝尔液 D.0.02%呋喃西林溶液 E.0.1%醋酸溶液 [多选题]大肠癌的癌前病变有( )。
A.大肠腺瘤性息肉 B.家族性息肉病 C.溃疡性结肠炎 D.绒毛状腺瘤 [多项选择]用机械牵引电缆时,牵引绳的安全系数不得小于()。作业人员不得站在牵引钢丝绳()。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 内角侧 D. 外交侧 [判断题]《铁运客运运价规则》中规定,有多条直达列车径路的,按指定径路计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]法维莱Eurotrol制动机,BCU控制()时电磁阀VE-URG2得电动作,最终使制动管的压力快速下降;
A. 降氨药物 B. 消除诱因 C. 抗脑水肿 D. 纠正电解质紊乱 E. 支链氨基酸 [判断题]温度计接口有无保护套管和待保护套管两类,待保护套管的温度计,可能会使测量值滞后。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肾病综合征的常见并发症是()
A. 血液高凝状态和血栓形成 B. 严重循环充血和急性心力衰竭 C. 酸中毒 D. 营养不良 E. 中毒性脑病 [判断题]离心泵实际扬程是固定不变的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]眶下孔向什么方向通入眶下管( )
A.后,下,外 B.后,上,外 C.后,下,内 D.后,上,内 E.以上都不是 [单选题]整车落成时,上心盘、心盘磨耗盘、下心盘须匹配,转K6、转K5配合上心盘外径( )。
A.φ295mm B.φ308mm C.φ358mm D.φ355mm 我来回答: 提交