In 1930, W. K. Kellogg made what he thought was a sensible decision, grounded in the best economic, social and management theories of the time. Workers at his cereal plant in Battle Greek, Mich. were told to go home two hours earlier, every day for good.
The Depression-era move was hailed in Factory and Industrial Management magazine as the "biggest piece of industrial news since Henry Ford announced his five-dollar-a-day policy." It’s believed that industry and machines would lead to workers’ paradises where all would have less work, more free time, and yet still produce enough to meet their needs.
So what happened Today, instead of working less, our hours have stayed steady or risen- and today many more women work so that families can afford the trappings of suburbia. In effect, workers chose the path of consumption over leisure.
With unemployment at a nine-year high and many workers worded about losing their jobs- or force
A. Telecommuting and cell phones.
B. The innovation and creation.
C. The nirvana and paradise.
D. Computers and E-mail.
The antigen-antibody immunological
reaction used to be regarded as typical of immunological responses. Antibodies
are proteins synthesized by specialized cells called plasma cells, which are
funned by lymphocytes (cells from the lymph system} when an antigen, a substance
foreign to the organism’s body, comes in contact with lymphocytes. Two important
manifestations of antigen- antibody immunity are lysis, the rapid physical
rupture of antigenic cells and the liberation of their contents into the
surrounding medium, and phagocytosis, a process in which antigenic particles are
engulfed by and very often digested by macrophages and polymorphs. The process
of lysis is executed by a complex and unstable blood constituent known as
complement, which will not work unless it is activated by a specific antibody;
the process of pbagocytosis is greatly facilitat A. synthesis of a protein B. activation of complement in the bloodstream C. destruction of antibodies D. entrapment of antigens by macrophages [简答题]简述饮食禁忌的内容。
A. 都必须画到粗实线 B. 外螺纹画到细实线,内螺纹画到粗实线 C. 都必须画到细实线 [判断题]揭穿突出煤层应在巷道与煤层连接处采用一般支护就可以。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 消防职业道德规范的确定,为消防从业人员树立了一个行为准则。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]视觉文化
[单选题](单选题1 分)
先兆临产比较可靠的征象是 A.假临产 B.胎儿下降感 C.见红 D.胎动活跃 E.规律且逐渐增强的宫缩 [单项选择]患者经常感到生殖器痒痛不适,似有小虫子在爬动,经过皮肤科反复检查却未发现任何异常,对于医生的解释患者拒绝接受。这种症状最可能是()
A. 内脏性幻觉 B. 内感性不适 C. 幻触 D. 错觉 E. 功能性幻觉 [单项选择]How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry()
A. Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board. B. Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed. C. Some suggest improving the design of the deck. D. Some object to using larger luxury boats. [判断题] 对患病的和外籍在押人员,可以视情适当提高伙食标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]提高干部和班长.骨干的管理能力,要坚持依法管理.
( )。[1分] A.以礼管理 B.科学管理 C.以情管理 D.文明管理 [填空题]Research has shown that foreign cigarettes do taste better to Asian smokers than native brands.
[判断题] 事故隐患分为一般事故隐患、较大事故隐患、重大事故隐患、特大事故隐患。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交