Insurance companies provide a service to the community by protecting it against expected and unexpected disasters. Before an insurance company will agree to (1) anything, it collects accurate figures about the (2) . It knows, for example, that the risk of a man being killed in a plane accident is less than the risk he (3) in crossing a busy road. This (4) it to quote low figures for travel insurance. Sometimes the risk may be high, as in motorracing or mountaineering. Then the company (5) a much higher price. (6) too many climbers have accidents, the price rises still further. If the majority of climbers fall off mountains, the company will (7) to insure them.
An ordinary householder may wish to protect his home against fire or his (8) against burglary. A shop keeper may wish to insure against (9) . In (10) cases, the company will check its statistics and quote a premium. If it is
A. though
B. when
C. for
D. while
男性,60岁,阵发性腹痛伴频繁呕吐.停止排气、排便8小时入院。2年前因十二指肠溃疡穿孔行胃大部切除术,查体:腹稍胀,上腹部压痛。 |
Email has brought the art of letter
writing back to life, but some experts think the resulting spread of bad English
does more harm than good. Email is a form of communication that is changing, for the worse, the way we write and use language, say some communication researchers. It is also dramatically changing the way we interact and build relationships. These are a few of the recently recognized features of email, say experts, that should cause individuals and organizations to rethink the way they use email. "Email has increased the spread of careless writing habits," says Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics at American University. She says the poor spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure of emails reflect a growing unconcern to the way we write. Baron argues that we sh A. it is the purest form of writing B. rules of formal writing can be ignored C. it makes more people take up writing. D. it enables people to get together [单选题]工作票制度规定,需要变更工作班成员时,应经( )同意。
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.变电站值班员 D.工作票签发人 [单选题] 患者男,48岁。支气管肺癌。病理组织报告为“鳞状细胞癌”。患者进行肺癌切除术后,需要进行化疗。输注化疗药物前与患者沟通,最重要的注意事项是( )
A.健康教育 B.评估血管 C.保护血管 D.血液检验指标正常 E.告知患者,并要求签署化疗同意书 [单项选择]关于糖皮质激素抗炎作用的叙述,错误的是()
A. 为非特异性抗炎作用 B. 增加粒细胞的吞噬能力 C. 对炎症早期、中期、后期均有影响 D. 对抗各种原因如物理、化学等引起的炎症 E. 抑制形成炎症过程的酶系统 [单选题] 输电线路采用预绞丝补修导线的方法,应在良好天气下进行,如遇(____)、雨、雪、雾不得进行作业。
A. 潮湿 B. 雷 C. 雹 D. 大风 [单选题]患儿男,9岁。患急性淋巴细胞性白血病,给予化疗药物静脉注射时药物渗入局部软组织引起坏死,如何给予正确处理( )
A.用25%的硫酸镁热敷 B.用酒精消毒 C.用冰袋外敷 D.用抗生素软膏涂搽 E.用红花油水涂搽 [单选题]空客飞机当座舱高度在( )米时氧气面罩会自动脱落。
A.3000 B.4000 C.3200 D.4200 [单选题]热情周到是指铁路运输服务的( )及所要达到的效果。
A.行动指南 B.细微程度 C.基本要求 D.优质程度 [单项选择]我国面点制作历史悠久,利用发酵技术制作馒头源于( )。
A. 周朝 B. 汉朝 C. 唐朝 D. 宋朝 [判断题]设置曲线外轨超高是为了抵消离心力的作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与高层建筑直接相接的裙房里,消火栓间距不应该超过()
A.20m B. 30m C.40m D. 50m [多选题]企业经营环境的微观分析包括( )。
A.顾客力量分析 B.现有竞争对手分析 C.供应商力量分析 D.潜在竞争对手分析 E.替代产品威胁的分析 [判断题]沟(槽)开挖时,应将路面铺设材料和泥土统一堆置,堆置处和沟(槽)之间应保留通道供施工人员正常行走。在堆置物堆起的斜坡上不得放置工具、材料等器物。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交