Did you know that the parachute was invented before the airplane This is (1) but true. The first airplane was flown in 1903. However, Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian artist-scientist, drew sketches of a (2) over 450 years ago. The first successful parachute jump was made from a tower (3) a French scientist, Sebastien Lenormand, in 1783. In 1785 J. P. Blanchard of France used a parachute to eject a dog from a hot-air balloon.
People (4) to use parachutes first for thrills and fun. Andre Jacques Garnerin, also of (5) , was the first to drop from a balloon at a (6) of 2000 feet using a parachute. Garnerin continued to parachute for a number of years, as (7) many others. It wasn’t until World War I, (8) , that the parachute became important for saving lives. By the end of the war, it had become standard safety equipment for nearly all (9) . In addition, parachutes were also worn by military pas
A. sad
B. unfortunate
C. strange
D. humorous
Bored while waiting at the bus stop,
Kate sticks a cigarette in her mouth just as she notices a billboard across the
road. The small print reads, "Warning: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart
disease, emphysema(肺气肿)and may complicate pregnancy." Kate stops for a moment.
"How many have I had already today" she asks herself. But then she lights up. "I don’t smoke that much," she reasons, to quiet her conscience. "And anyway, I exercise and eat pretty well." Every day we wrestle with opposing viewpoints that battle it out in our minds—a tension known as cognitive dissonance. Social psychologist Leon Festinger developed the concept in 1957, from the assumption that human beings fundamentally strive for harmony in their thinking. In the face of contradictory paths, our minds attempt to restore internal peace. We strive for the reco A. Such diseases as lung cancer, emphysema, does not affect her. B. She does more exercises and has a better diet than most of smokers. C. She finds a good excuse to justify her smoking. D. She smokes less than other smokers. [多选题]属于通用消防设施中灭火器一般缺陷的是()
A.锈蚀严重,表面产生凹坑 B.明显变形,机械损伤严重 C.变形、松动、锈蚀、损坏 D.低于额定值 [简答题]THDS探测站具有哪些功能?
[多选题]按爆炸物质在爆炸过程中的变化,爆炸分为( )。
A.化学爆炸 B.物理爆炸 C.核爆炸 D.爆燃 E.爆震 [单选题]神经元的主要功能是( )。
A. 接受.整合和传递信息 B. 产生感觉.引起运动 C. 接受.传入和传递信息 D. 传入.整合和传出信息 [简答题]简述代表人诉讼制度的适用范围。
A. 全线表示法 B. 集中表示法 C. 半集中表示法 D. 分开表示法 [单选题]带电作业工具使用前应根据()校核机械强度,并满足规定的安全系数。
A.使用要求 B.工作负荷 C.使用状态 D.工作强度 [多选题]按国际惯例,承包商可索赔的总部管理费包括( )
A.现场管理费 B.保函手续费 C.管理人员工资 D.差旅费 E.办公费 [单选题]特厚煤层,采用( )采煤工艺最先进。
A.普采; B.高档普采; C.综采; D.综放; [单选题] 当RSBI——预示脱机成功。( )
A.≤150 B.≤135 C.≤130 D.≤125 E.≤105 [单项选择]根据1969年修订的1954年《国际防止海上油污公约》的规定,禁排区是( )。
A. 距海岸50海里以内海域 B. 距海岸100海里以内海域 C. 距海岸150海里以内海域 D. 所有海域 [单选题]肾损伤需绝对卧床休息( )
A.4~6周 B.2~4周 C.1~2周 D.3~5天 E.5~7天 [单项选择]针对当前不少农村存在的主流文化宣传淡化,而续修家谱、烧香拜佛等传统习俗盛行的尴尬现状,某市政府通过创建特色文化村、建设农村文化室、举办农村文化节等“三文活动”,充分挖掘农村现有文化资源,受到农民的普遍欢迎,呈现出日益旺盛的生命力。材料表明了()
A. 通过文化建设,提高了农民的思想道德水平 B. 改善农村的物质生活条件,就能提高农民的思想道德水平 C. 历史的传统习俗已不适合今天的国情,应该抛弃 D. 文化对人的影响有相对的稳定性 [单选题]以下不属于营销策略监管中营销部门应提供的资料的是( )。
A.货源投放策略 B.选点投放规则和结果 C.货源信息资料 D.卷烟促销管理办法 [多项选择]小儿良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波的主要临床特征是()
A. 多在5~10岁发病 B. 发作类型呈部分简单运动性发作,多在夜间发作 C. 脑电图示颞中区、中央区高辐双相尖波或棘波 D. 智力正常,预后良好 E. 体检无异常 [判断题]焊条电弧焊的焊接环境应通风良好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]流行性出血热患者病程第6天,无尿2天,血压160/120mmHg,脉洪大,颜面浮肿,体表静脉充盈,两肺底散在湿啰音。目前最有效的治疗措施是()
A. 静滴50%葡萄糖液、降压及利尿 B. 严格控制入液量,利尿及透析疗法 C. 纠正酸中毒,降压及利尿 D. 20%甘露醇降压及利尿 E. 输注平衡盐液,降血压,利尿及导泻 [判断题] ( )生油气岩层是油气生成的具体场所。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]急性湿疹与接触性皮炎相比较,前者的皮疹特点为()。
A. 皮损较单一,境界清楚 B. 多形性,境界不清 C. 皮损暗红,浸润肥厚 D. 皮损苔藓化 我来回答: 提交