There are two types of people in the
world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts
of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the
different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting
effects upon their minds. People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are A. describes two types of people B. laughs at the unhappy people C. suggests the unhappy people should get rid of the habits of unhappiness D. tells people how to be happy in life [判断题]装设拆除接地线可不在监护下进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]数据中心出入管理是指人员出入管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]黑火药大约是在11~12世纪传入阿拉伯国家的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最先被用作免疫标记技术的标记物是()
A. 激素 B. 放射性核素 C. 酶 D. 荧光素 E. 生物素 [判断题]国务院令第445号《易制毒化学品管理条例》规定,国家对易制毒化学品的生产、经营、购买、运输和进口、出口实行分类管理和许可制度。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有关心的描述正确的是( )
A.位于后纵隔内 B.心的血液供应来源于升主动脉 C.心的静脉血绝大部分回流入右心房 D.支配心的副交感神经来源于迷走神经 E.支配心的交感神经来源于颈、胸部交感干 [判断题]对于单料结构的无凝聚性土,当其处于饱和含水状态时,空隙中所含水分的质量,应等于土的孔隙体积乘以水的密度之积。
Dear Mr. Cavendish, [单项选择]人防工程有口部和主体两大部分组成,其主体位于()
A. 出入口第一道密闭门以内 B. 出入口最后一到密闭门以内 C. 出入口10米以内 D. 出入口50米以内 [单项选择]细小尖锐异物多易存留在咽部何处
A. 鼻咽部、软腭 B. 喉咽侧壁、梨状窝 C. 扁桃体、舌根、咽侧壁、会厌谷 D. 咽隐窝、鼻后孔 E. 悬雍垂、咽后壁 [单项选择]
Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old man’s living room. The old man pointed to the box and said, "There’s only one thing you (1) do. Don’t open the box. " (2) saying this, he left his home.The woman said to her husband," There must be (3) expensive in the box. Let’s open it, shall we" Her husband said (4) to her. But the woman didn’t give up her (5) . One day, she decided to find out (6) was in it. Her husband didn’t stop her. She opened the box and looked inside. To her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it, but she (7) That evening the old man came home and found the box was (8) . He was very (9) and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home."But there was nothing in the box," the woman said. "We haven’t taken anything at all. "The old man (10) them, "The box is not important, but I cannot believe you. That’s [判断题]( )制动前后压力风缸的减压量与制动管减压量基本相等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]管道系统试验范围内的管道安装工程,除()未施工外,均应按设计图纸全部完成,安装质量符合有关规定。
A. 与设备连接 B. 仪表接头 C. 涂漆、绝热 D. 安全附件接头 [单选题]富福利指眼下一些地方政府和企业,为了吸引高端人才,争相开出各种优惠条件,如提供房补、半价专用房等。高端人才往往拥有更高的谋生本领,收入方面已经处于社会的中高端或者高端行列,这一让富有者拥有更多福利的政策偏向引发人们质疑。有人认为此举是将大量的公共资源向高端人才倾斜,甚至是变相的利益输送。根据上述定义,以下不属于富福利的是:( )
A.某市计划在3年内建设人才专项用房150万平方米,实行政府定价,原则上不超过同类地段新建商品住房市场价格的50% B.某国企在改制期间,将股份分配给所有的员工,极大地刺激了员工的生产积极性 C.某研究机构招聘高级研发人员,要求应聘者学历必须为博士及以上,并承诺可以解决户口 D.某大型私企为了挽留一批海归人才,不仅给出优厚的年薪,还许诺给予一部分股权 [单项选择]块式制动器按工作状态可分常闭式和常开式两种。()
A. 正确 B. 错误 [判断题]10kV柱上配电变压器应按“大容量、密布点、短半径”的原则配置,宜靠近负荷中心。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.自然人群(包括以往有过该传染病史或有过预防接种史者)
A.健康人群(除去有预防接种史与传染病史者) B.易感人群 C.传染病的接触人群 D.特殊人群 E.调查人群流脑血凝抗体水平的对象为 [简答题]叙述蜡油开工升温期间要恒温的各点温度为多少?
[多选题]消防救援人员在调动工作或者退出国家综合性消防救援队伍时,必须将自己负责的工作情况和掌管的文件、( )等进行移交。
A.材料 B.证件 C.器材 D.装备 我来回答: 提交