Nowadays, a standard for measuring
power has changed. These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power. No
longer will a nation’s political influence be based solely on the strength of
its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary
measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial
competitiveness. It’s often said that without its military the Soviet Union
would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of power and influence
that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete
effectively in the economic markets of the world. America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capa A. to draw the readers’ attention to a new standard for measuring power B. to demonstrate America political influence in the word C. to emphasize that effort must be made to strengthen the declining U.S. industrial base D. to show American industrial prowess [单项选择]Where does the look-out man stand?().
A. In positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal and the man can see clearly B. In positions in which the noises in the ship are much likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal C. In positions in which the hearing of a signal is reduced to a minimum D. In a position in which the man can see clearly [单选题]中颅凹骨折
A.鼻流血 B.双眼睑皮下青紫,逐渐加重 C.乳突下或咽后壁粘膜下淤血 D.脑脊液耳漏 E.颞部头皮肿胀淤血 [判断题]运载超长、超高或重大物件时,物件重心应与车厢承重中心基本一致,超长物件尾部应设标志。可以客货混装。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车空调机组的启动方式:采用同步指令控制,同时启动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一年期的消费贷是随借随还的。
[单选题]公安消防部队在参加抢险救援行动中进入低毒中度危险区时,应实施( )级防护。(中)
A.特级 B.一级 C.二级 D.三级 [填空题]
A.eBay is a global phenomenon—the world’s largest garage sale, online shopping center, car dealer and auction site with 147 million registered users in 30 countries as of March 2005. You can find everything from encyclopedias to olives to snow boots to stereos to airplanes for sale. And if you stumble on it before the eBay overseers do, you might even find a human kidney or a virtual date. [单选题]男性,25岁。因高位小肠瘘1天人院,入院后经颈内静脉插管滴入肠外营养液,两周后突然出现寒战、高热,无咳嗽、咳痰,腹部无压痛和反跳痛。
A.用抗生素 B.胸腔穿剌抽气 C.停止肠外营养 D.气管切开 E.增加胰岛素用量 [单选题]根据《烟花爆竹安全管理条例》,烟花爆竹零售经营者实行专店或者专柜销售,设()负责安全管理。
A.专人 B.兼职人员 C.专职或兼职人员 [单选题]下列哪项不是留置胃管法操作并发症( )
A.呃逆 B.咽,食道粘膜损伤和出血 C.吸入性肺炎 D.败血症 [判断题]严重颠簸时,乘务员检查旅客已入座并系好安全带、检查手提行李已妥善固定。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]纳税人采取隐匿,擅自销毁账簿、记账凭证的手段,不缴或者少缴应纳税款,偷税数额占应纳税额的10%以上但不满30%,偷税数额在1万元以上但不满10万元的,或者因偷税被税务机关给予两次行政处罚又偷税的,应追究的刑事责任为( )。
A. 处3年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 B. 处3年以上7年以下有期徒刑 C. 并处偷税数额的1倍以上5倍以下的罚金 D. 并处20万元以上的罚金 [多选题]对外开立信用证应参照的国际惯例主要有( )。
A.《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP600) B.《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行实务》(ISBP) C.跟单托收统一规则(URC522) D.中国外汇管理政策 [填空题]CUSTOMER DETAILS
Name: (16) ______ Company: Greenlight (17) ______ Company address: (18) ______ House (19) ______ Phone No: (20) ______ Fax No: 7783708 Order details: (21) ______ Quantity/Amount: (22) ______ [单选题]施封的货车,已有途中站车交接电报或普通记录,现状与途中交接电报或普通记录记载内容不相符,又未拍发站车交接电报的,如货物发生被盗丢失,列( )责任。
A.装车站 B.卸车站 C.出交接电报或普通记录的货检站 D.上一责任货运检查站 [单项选择]
A. money B. payment C. charge D. price [多选题]空气压缩机应保持润滑良好,压力表准确,自动起、停装置灵敏,安全阀可靠,并应由专人维护;()、()及()等应定期进行校验。
A.气缸 B.压力表 C.安全阀 D.调节器 [单项选择]对心脏术后综合征有诊断意义的自身抗体是()
A. 抗甲状腺球蛋白和微粒体抗体 B. 抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体 C. 抗平滑肌抗体 D. 抗心肌抗体 E. 抗线粒体抗体 [单项选择]在GB/T19001-2008标准中对需要确认的过程()。
A. 7.3 B. 1.2 C. 7.5.4 D. 7.5.2 [单项选择]王安石变法的理论依据是()。
A. 《周礼》 B. 《三经新义》 C. 《字说》 D. 《王临川集》 [多选题]开放()信号机时,应不间断的检查其主体信号机在开放状态。
A.进站信号机 B.预告信号机 C.接近信号机 D.复示信号机 [判断题]党的建设是一项'‘新的伟大工程”是1994年党的十四届四中全会提出的。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交