"Where are you going " Mrs. Tonga
asked. "To the mall (购物中心)," Betty replied. "My husband is a compulsive buyer. He walked to the store last night to buy a pen and he returned with fifty dollars worth of things we really didn’t need." "That’s too bad, Mrs. Tonga. My sister is the same way. Well, see you later." Betty walked by herself to the mall. She needed shoes and a new dress, she looked at women’s clothes in several stores. She stopped in a store called The Fashion Place. She liked a shirt and a blue dress. She tried it on. It fit very nicely, she bought it. She was very tired and then walked home. She didn’t buy any shoes. The next day she noticed a hole (洞) in the dress. She returned it to the store and exchanged (换) it for [单选题]下列药组中,有清热解毒、息风止痉功效的是
A.牛黄、熊胆 B.柴胡、升麻 C.桑叶、菊花 D.荆芥、防风 E.紫花地丁、蒲公英 [填空题]提前退休人员按()进行统计。
A.90° B.120° C.180° [多项选择]预激综合征伴房颤时可选用下列药物:()
A. 奎尼丁 B. 利多卡因 C. 胺碘酮 D. 洋地黄 E. 异搏定 [单项选择]下面哪一组()属于气候资源。
A. 风能、太阳能 B. 风能、核能 C. 水能、太阳能 [单项选择]You ______ all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.
A. 减慢输血速度 B. 停止输血 C. 物理降温 D. 碱化尿液 E. 静滴广谱抗生素 [判断题]G-1620是高压段电机
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述钢轨手工检查“看”的作业要领?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高压直流试验时,每告一段落或试验结束时,应将设备对地放电一次并短路接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,下列关于有限合伙企业的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.除法律另有规定外,有限合伙人人数不得超过200人 B.国有独资公司及公益性的事业单位,不得担任普通合伙人 C.法人及其他组织均可依照法律规定设立有限合伙企业 D.有限合伙企业仅剩普通合伙人的,应当转为普通合伙企业 我来回答: 提交