Operation of the Electric Cooker | |
Methods | Notes |
a. Measure the volume of rice correctly with the provided measuring cup. | * The volume (容量) of the provided measuring cup is about 0.18kg. * Wash the rice in a separate bowl, then put it into the inner (里面的) pot. |
b. Wash the rice, then adjust water level. Put the inner pot in the body. | * Adjust the water volume according to your own choice. * Adjust the water level on a level place * Smooth the rice surface. * Wipe the outside of the inner pot dry before putting it in the body. |
c. Cook | * Select the menu by pressing the COOK Key. * The rice [单选题]光圈越( )曝光量越大。(易)(基础知识)
A.大 B.小 [多项选择]丁注册会计师在审计工作底稿中记录对内部控制的控制风险初步评价和再评价,应做到( )。
A. 当控制风险评价为最高水平时,记录评价依据 B. 当控制风险评价为低于最高水平时,记录评价依据 C. 当控制风险评价为最高水平时,记录评价结论 D. 当控制风险评价最高水平时,不用记录评价依据和结论,直接进行实质性测试 [多选题]关于B787-8/9型飞机乘务组休息室撤离的说法,正确的有
A.主要使用到达主入口的楼梯通道撤离 B.如果主入口不能使用,可通过位于3号和5号铺位附近的应急出口进行撤离 C.从应急出口降到客舱地板时,可通过座椅扶手来帮助保持平衡 D.人员撤离完毕后应关闭下应急舱门 [单选题]监狱对罪犯进行认罪悔罪的教育属于( )教育。
A.法制 B.道德 C.思想 D.反省 [单项选择]发现偏瘫患者有不能控制的流涎时,提示最有可能存在的障碍是()
A. 吞咽反射 B. 舌运动 C. 唇运动 D. 颌的运动 E. 软腭运动 [单选题]“ 责人之心责己,爱己之心爱人”体现()原则
A.真诚 B.尊重 C.宽容 D.平等 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组外端墙上安装有“ ”,内风挡,防雪风挡等车端设备。
A.压缩形外风挡 B.双层折棚式风挡 C.挤压式外风挡 D.密接式外风挡 [单项选择]其他人喜欢与你在一起吗?()
A. 从不 B. 较少 C. 较多 D. 总是 [判断题]( )拌种作业要求必须按标准投药并使种子表皮敷药均匀。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)Linux中查看内存,交换内存的情况命令是()( )
A.top B.last C.free D.lastcomm [单项选择]Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to re search at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet (47) more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn’’t that people who were already feeling (48) spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net (49) appeared to cause the bad feelings. Researchers are puzzling over the results, which were completely (50) to their expectations. They expected that the Net would prove socially (51) than television, since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others. The fact that Internet use reduces time (52) for family and friends may account for the drop in well-being, researchers hypothesized. Faceless, bodiless "virtual" (53) may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be
A.绝缘 B.防护 C.隔离 D.安全 [判断题]车钩“三态”指的是:闭锁状态、开锁状态、全开状态。( )《DF7C/7D段修技规》13.2.1
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]横波探头在检测过程中,斜楔将会磨损。下列说法错误的是( )。
A.探头磨损会使入射点发生变化 B.探头磨损可能导致探头K值的增大或减小 C.探头磨损可能导致仪器的水平线性的变化 D. 探头磨损可能导致扫描速度的变化 [简答题]简述法学教育的目标和功能。
A. 调入库 B. 调出库 [单选题][T]BC022 5 1 2
单活塞式压力计由( )两部分组成。 A. 测量、指示 B. 压力发生、指示 C. 测量、传动 D. 测量、压力发生 [单项选择]如果我们要使报表的标题在每一页上都显示,那么应该设置______。
A. 报表页眉 B. 页面页眉 C. 组页眉 D. 以上说法都不对 [多选题]相关监控单位负责所管辖无人值班变电站的( )等工作,对现场设备运行状态的正确性负责。
A.A.运行监视、 B.B.信息记录 C.C.调度允许的设备操作 D.D.事故处理 [单选题] 闲置物资鉴定结果为不可再利用的,物资部门应在鉴定完成后()内完成报废审批手续,办理转为报废物资的手续。
A. 6个月 B. 3个月 C. 2个月 D. 1个月 [单选题]运行线路的重要跨越档内接头应采取( )加固。
A.接续管 B.接续条 C.补修管 D.预绞式金具 我来回答: 提交