Most presentations today depend on the
use of some sort of technology, such as a laptop computer linked to a projector.
While this technology can help to {{U}} (19) {{/U}} presentations better,
it also has a {{U}} (20) {{/U}} of getting in the way. As a general
{{U}} (21) {{/U}}. it is better to {{U}} (22) {{/U}} on the
content of a presentation as a means of {{U}} (23) {{/U}} your audience’s
attention, rather than relying on sophisticated equipment. Bear in mind that when an organization invites {{U}} (24) {{/U}} for a contract, they may {{U}} (25) {{/U}} four or five presentations from different companies on the s A. gaining B. acquiring C. collecting D. taking [单选题]一对互相啮合的标准直齿圆柱齿轮,其中心距为( )
A.2π(d1+d2 ) B.( d1+d2)/2 C.m(d1+d2)/2 D.2(d1+d2) [单选题]总压下量和其它工艺条件相同,采用下列( )的方式自由宽展总量最大。
A.轧制6道次 B.轧制5道次 C.轧制8道次 D.轧制4道次 [多项选择]北京市工商行政管理局于2000年发布了《关于对利用电子邮件发送商业信息的行为进行规范的通告》,主要规定有()
A. 经营性互联网信息服务提供者对广告内容承担一定监督检查义务 B. 未经收件人同意不得擅自发送 C. 不得利用电子邮件进行虚假宣传 D. 不得利用电子邮件诋毁他人商业信誉 E. 利用电子邮件发送商业广告的,广告内容不得违反《广告法》的有关规定 [多项选择]鼻源性头痛的特点是()
A. 有鼻塞、流脓涕等鼻部病变 B. 病变鼻旁窦内分泌物引流后疼痛可缓解 C. 头痛有一定的部位和时间 D. 鼻黏膜收缩或用表面麻醉剂后头痛可减轻 E. 鼻急性炎症时头痛可加重 [判断题]汽车式起重机行驶时,上车操作室不得坐人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在下列有关似然比的陈述中,哪一项不正确。()
A. 是同时反映灵敏度和特异度的复杂指标 B. 该指标全面反映筛检试验的诊断价值,非常稳定 C. 不受患病率的影响 D. 阴性似然比越小,筛检试验的诊断价值越高 E. 在选择筛检试验时应选择阳性似然比高的方法 [单选题]电缆及电容器接地前应( )放电。
A.逐相 B.充分 C.逐相充分 D.依次 [单选题]根据《2018版电力建设工程预算编制与计算规定》的规定,定额人工费中未包括的内容是( )。
A.辅助性工资 B.劳动保护费 C.职工福利费 D.住房公积金。 [单项选择]双胍类降糖药最严重的不良反应是
A. 胃肠道刺激症状 B. 乳酸性酸血症 C. 过敏反应 D. 低血糖反应 E. 畸胎 [单项选择]盆腔结核的诊断依据不包括()。
A. 盆腔X线平片 B. 子宫输卵管碘油造影 C. 子宫内膜病理检查 D. 输卵管通气 E. 有结核病史 [单选题](第十条)消防员在特殊环境作战时,应采取针对性防护措施。处置现场可能接触到人员、动物尸体或体液时,消防员还必须佩戴口罩、眼罩和( ),做好卫生防疫措施。( )
A.抢险救援手套 B.灭火手套 C.皮质手套 D.医用手套 [单选题]劳务分包单位发生违章时,除对劳务分包单位及相关人员按标准记分外,还应对施工项目管理人员(项目负责人、技术员、安全员等)按主要责任者记分标准连带记分;对业主、监理单位负有管理责任的人员(项目经理、现场监理)按主要责任者记分标准的( )连带记分。
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 [简答题] Branding Your Supply Chain
0. It’’s no secret to anyone working in the field today that is the supply IS
00. chain management profession is besieged with immense and CORRECT
41. rapid change. Managing the modern-day supply chain that requires a
42. conceptually sound, responsive, and agile of approach to problem
43. solving it and execution. It calls for taking a proactive role in
44. managing increasingly global supply chain scenarios in a way
45. that assures in long-term performance. And it demands approaches
46. that may not have been considered as in the past. In short, managing
47. the supply chain today which demands innovation-a willingness to adopt
48. to new mindsets and pursue new approaches. Innovation is a widely
49. recognized and time-honored way of enhancing for business value at
50. the macro or at enterprise level. Less recognized is the potential
51. for innovation to enhance performance being at the micro level of the supply
[判断题]与契约型基金的股东大会相比,公司型基金持有人大会赋予基金持有者的权利相对 较小。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《最高人民法院关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》中规定了几种无效建设工程施工合同,它们分别是( )。
A.总包单位将工程进行了分包的 B.建设单位将工程中的非关键、非主体工程进行了指定分包的 C.承包人未取得建筑施工企业资质或者超越资质等级的 D.没有资质的实际施工人借用有资质的建筑施工企业名义的 E.建设工程必须进行招标而未招标或者中标无效的 [多选题]小王在对10kV户外开关箱(开闭所)某间隔的开关断开后,此时他应通过设备的( )及各种遥测、遥信等指示的变化来判断线路有无电。
A.机械位置指示 B.电气指示 C.带电显示装置 D.仪表 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Migrant Workers
In the past twenty years,there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another.______(51)some newly independent countries have understandably restricted most jobs to local people,others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers.This is particularly the case in the Middle East,______(52)increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to______(53)outsiders to improve local facilities.______(54)the Middle East has attracted oil-workers from the USA and Europe.It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries,______(55)South Korea and Japan. In view of the difficult living and working conditions in the Middle East,it is not______(56)that the pay is high to attract suitable workers.Many engineers and technicians can earn at least______(57) money in the Middle East as they can in their own country,and this is a major attraction.An allied benefit is the low taxation or complete lack of it.This increases the net amount of pay received by visiting workers and is very popular with them. Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating advantage.______(58),the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other______(59)safety and comfort.______(60),many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly______(61)the lack of entertainment facilities.The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions______(62)problems rather than do routine、work in their home country. One major problem which______(63)migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jots are tem-porary ones.They are nearly always on contract,so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great conn-dence.This is to be expected、 since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents?______(64),migrant workers accept this disadvantage,along with others,because of the ______(65)financial benefits which they receive. 65._________ A.considerable B.considerate C.considered D.consiciering [单选题]变电作业现场指在运用中的()以上发电、变电设备上及相关场所进行工作的作业现场。
A.10kV B.35kV C.20kV D.110kV [判断题]2.1 车辆管理所在受理机动车驾驶证申请时,对不符合申请条件或者受理申请后经审查不符合法律.法规和规章规定的,应当出具《不予受理/许可申请决定书》,告知申请人不予受理.不予许可的理由。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当电机相线截面积大于50mm²时,接地线截面积应为相线截面积的( )。
A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% [单项选择]下列关于冷凝集素综合征的叙述,错误的是
A. 抗体主要为IgM B. 0~4℃凝集反应最强 C. 慢性型以血管外溶血为主 D. 溶血不需补体参与 E. 多见于女性 [单选题] 起道作业收工时,顺坡率应满足:允许速度为120km/h(不含)至160km/h的线路不应大于( )。
A.0.8‰ B.1‰ C.1.5‰ D.2‰ [单项选择]社会不良文化是未成年人犯罪的重要原因。据有关少管所调查资料显示,少年犯中有70%以上受过不良文化影响;暴力型和奸淫型少年犯中,90%看过凶杀、暴力、淫秽录像和黄色书刊。为了解决上述问题,要求国家首先要( )。
A. 加强文化职能,杜绝青少年犯罪 B. 加强文化职能,提供健康文明的精神产品 C. 加强政治职能,打击青少年犯罪 D. 加强专业服务职能,创造良好的生活环境 [单选题]坚持运输围绕市场转、生产围绕( )转、要素围绕生产转,深挖外部市场和内部资源潜力,让运输经营更有质量效益。
A.安全 B.运输 C.效益 D.稳定 [判断题]根据《国家电网公司分布式电源并网服务管理规则》,电能计量表安装完成、合同与协议签订完毕后,地市供电企业调控中心负责组织相关部门开展项目并网验收工作,出具并网验收意见。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]E-I-004 4 2 2
《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》第5.2.1条规定:钢轨打磨后满足钢轨焊接接头( )标准。 A.探伤 B.平直度 C.打磨 D.轨距 [单选题]以下哪项不是对消火栓箱日常检查的项目( )
A.A、 消火栓开关是否灵活 B.B、 枪头、水带等部件是否齐全 C.C、对消火栓进行加压上水实验 D.D、管道、阀门是否出现腐蚀和松动情况 我来回答: 提交