How Should Teachers Be Rewarded We never forget our best teachers-those who inspired us with a deeper understanding or an enduring passion, the ones we come back to visit years after graduating, the educators who opened doors and altered the course of our lives. It would be wonderful if we knew more about such talented teachers and how to multiply their number. How do they come by their craft What qualities and capacities do they possess Can these abilities be measured Can they be taught Perhaps above all:How should excellent teaching be rewarded so that the best teachers--the most competent, caring and compelling--remain in a profession known for low pay and low status Such questions have become critical to the future of public education in the U.S. Even as politicians push to hold A. the schools couldn’t decide how much should a good teacher be paid B. more and more schools were run by business-minded people C. unfairness was created when deciding who should get the extra money D. the government didn’t give enough support to the movement [单项选择]淋巴管肌瘤病胸部HRCT的特征性表现为()。
A. 两肺弥漫性分布的薄壁小囊状病变 B. 小叶中央型肺气肿 C. 肺间质纤维化 D. 肺实变 E. 粟粒状结节影 [多项选择]群体对个体行为的影响有( )
A. 社会助长作用 B. 社会阻抑作用 C. 从众 D. 服从 E. 去个性化 [不定项选择题]某新建住宅小区选聘甲物业服务企业管理。王某以45万元在该小区购买了一套商品房,该商品房的当地建筑安装工程造价为30万元,王某按照相关规定缴纳了住宅专项维修资金。
王某所缴纳的住宅专项维修资金归( )所有。
A.住宅专项维修资金的代收代管单位 B.小区建设单位 C.小区业主委员会 D.王某 [单选题]保险带、绳使用长度在(____)m以上的应加缓冲器。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]若使用直流水带电灭火时,应当采用( )方式,保持水枪有效接地。
A.吊射 B.点射 C.直射 D.折射 [单选题]119报警电话由()首接和处置。
A.消防部门 B.指挥中心 C.辖区公安机关 D.按就近原则派出单位 [单选题] 架空绝缘导线不得视为( )。
A. 绝缘设备 B. 导电设备 C. 承力设备 D. 载流设备 [单项选择]国家鼓励实行特种设备责任()制度,提高事故赔付能力。
A. 保险 B. 理赔 C. 经济 [判断题]固结灌浆宜在无盖重混凝土的条件下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.内分泌紊乱
A.浸润转移 B.两者皆有 C.两者皆无 D.甲状腺髓样癌( ) [多项选择]患者,男,21岁。突然右眼眼前黑影及视野缺损1天。既往患高度近视。检查:矫正视力:OD0.3,OS0.9。双眼前节正常。眼底检查:右眼玻璃体液化,轻度浑浊,可见个别色素颗粒,颞上方视网膜青灰色,血管爬行其上,未涉及黄斑。左眼底检查,除豹纹状眼底外,未见明显异常。对查找视网膜裂孔价值较大的方法有()。
A. 三面镜检查 B. 眼部B超检查 C. 间接检眼镜联合巩膜外加压检查 D. 自动视野检查 E. 视网膜电图 F. OCT G. UBM [单选题]()是坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一的根本政治制度安排,必须长期坚持、不断完善。
A.政治协商制度 B.人民代表大会制度 C.基层群众自治制度 D.民族区域自治制度 我来回答: 提交