Aberdeen is an administrative center of Grampian Region, Northeastern Scotland, on the North Sea at the mouths of the Dee and Don rivers. It is the third largest in Scotland and the principal industrial center of North Scotland. It is also an important seaport and the country’s largest fishing port. Aberdeen’s harbor facilities were improved in the 1970s, and the city has become the major service center for the North Sea oil industry. Manufactures include chemicals, machinery, textiles, and paper. Aberdeen is a tourist city known for its sandy beaches, seaside rocks and fishing boats; it is popularly known as the Granite City because many of its buildings are constructed of local granite, the chief export. Points of interest include the Cathedral of Saint Machar (begun 15th cent.) and the University of Aberdeen, formed in 1860 by the merger of the Roman Catholic King’s College(1495) and the Protestant Marischal College (1593). The city also has severa
A. a district
B. a city
C. an industrial base
D. a fishing resort
In one very long sentence, the introduction to the United Nations Charter expresses the idea and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations.
"We the peoples of the U. N. determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm (重申) faith in fundamental rights, in the dignity (尊严) and worth of human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations (义务) arising from treaties (条约) and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote (促进) social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends to practise tolerance (宽容) and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the
A. are limited to discussions and debates
B. are including coordinating actions where necessary
C. are only concerned with human rights
D. are economic and cultural
有位非常走运又非常不走运的警官。非常走运的是,他做了几十年的警务工作,由小警员升到警官,一直到将近退休,居然没有遇到过一次盗匪,没有开过一枪。非常不走运的是,就在他退休的前一天,经过一家银行,正看见有人抢劫,于是他掏枪阻止,不幸对方也有枪,而且比他先发射。他死在最后一天的任上,手中握着一辈子没有真正用过的枪,枪里居然忘了装子弹。你说这警官笨不笨 他难道不知道,作为一个值勤的警官,枪里总要有子弹 即使一辈子遇不见一次盗匪,他也应该随时清理枪械并到靶场练习,因为“携枪千日,用在一时”,平时总要为战时作准备。 |