"Helping them isn’t about showing your kids how to do the work. It’s about being genuinely interested and having regular conversations about what they’re learning," says J. Gary Knowles, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, part of the University of Toronto. Rozon has a slew of suggestions for how to get more involved. "Get to know the teacher. Discuss ways to tailor the assignments to your child’s learning style. Spend time in the classroom. Ask for outlines of unit studies so you can find supplementary materials at the library or through videos. Read your child’s textbooks: If you work a few pages ahead, you’ll be able to help them with problems they enco [判断题]负硬是指水中钾、钠的盐类。(1分)()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]饰于监狱门楣上,含有镇恶之意的神兽是( )。
A. 狴犴 B. 椒图 C. 蒲牢 D. 狻猊 [单选题]农村中小金融机构案件防控第一责任人是( ) 。(0.15分)
A.理(董)事长 B. 监事长 C.主任 D.总经理 [单项选择]肺部革兰阴性菌感染的共同点是()
A. 肺实变组织坏死后易形成多发性脓肿 B. 呼吸道症状逐渐加重 C. 呼吸道症状较轻 D. 并发胸腔积液 E. 很少发生肺脓肿 [简答题]萘的主要用途是什么?
A.水 B.沙子 C.干粉 [单项选择]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories (31) on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior (32) they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through (33) with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in (34) to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, (35) as a rejection of middleclass values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, (36) the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. [单项选择]改革开放以来,中国净进口粮食占国内粮食生产的比重呈减少趋势,1978-1984年为3.2%,1985-1990年为1.2%,1991-1995年为0.4%。另中国在进口一些粮食的同时,还出口一些具有较高附加值的食品。因此()。
A. 将来中国可以大量出口粮食 B. 中国的粮食生产还有很大的增长潜力 C. 国际上所谓的"中国粮食威胁论"是毫无根据的 D. 种粮食可以获得很高的利润 [判断题]临时使用电话闭塞法行车,须在站内停车状态下方可将LKJ进行“路票”模式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全生产中必须遵循下列哪些?( )
A.管生产必须管安全 B.管行业必须管安全 C.管业务必须管安全 [判断题]热补胎过程中放在专硫化平台上加压硫化,一般为30分钟。
[多选题]相对方向不能同时接车时,应先接( )。
A.不适于在站外停车的列车 B.旅客列车 C.停车后起动困难的列车 D.后面有续行列车的列车 [判断题] 室内配电线路的敷设时,导线在管内不许有接头和扭结,其接头应在接线盒外连接。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交