Having taken a room at the hotel which
he had been instructed to stay, Smallwood went out; it was a lovely day, early
in August, and the sun shone in an unclouded sky. He had not been to Lucerne
Since he was a boy, but remembered a covered bridge, though not clearly, a great
stone lion and a church in which he had sat, bored yet impressed while they
played an organ(风琴) ;and now wandering along a shady quay (码头), he tried not so
much to find his way about a half-forgotten scene as to reform in his mind some
recollection(回忆) of the shy and eager boy, so impatient for life, who so long
ago had wandered there . But it seemed to him that the most lively of his
memories was not of himself, but of the crowd; he seemed to remember the sun and
the heat and the people; the train was crowded and so was the hotel, the lake
steamers were packed and on the A. he was serving his country B. he was making a profit C. the weather continued like this D. he could stay in Lucerne [多选题]脑室引流的病人拔管的护理要点有:( )
A.拔管前一天应试行抬高引流管或夹闭引流管24小时 B.严密病情观察,如病人在夹管期间出现头痛、呕吐应及时报告医生 C.拔管后注意观察神志瞳孔和伤口渗血渗液情况 D.拔管后发现切口处有脑脊液漏出,及时汇报医生 E.拔管前一天应试行抬高引流管或夹闭引流管48小时 [判断题]主要风门应当设置风门开关传感器,风门打开时,发出声光报警信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CPC卡有效性和计费信息判断不通过的车道系统进行相应提示收费员按()相关流程处理。
A.特情车辆 B.无卡处理 C.坏卡处理 D.卡损处理 [单选题]在综合能源系统综合评价中,()要求指标的选取应具备一定的代表性,选取的指标应尽可能少。
A.A、规范性原则; B.全面性原则; C.系统性原则; D.简明性原则 [判断题]调车联控仅作为调车作业的辅助手段,严禁仅凭调车联控盲目动车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《南网安规》工作票签发的相关规定,不直接管理本设备的外单位办理需签发的工作票时应实行“双签发”,先由( )所在单位签发,再由本( )会签。
A.工作许可人,设备运维单位 B.设备运维单位,专责监护人 C.设备运维单位,工作票签发人 D.工作负责人,设备运维单位 [单项选择]常用于空气或物体表面的消毒()
A. 高压蒸气灭菌法 B. 紫外线照射法 C. 滤过除菌法 D. 巴氏消毒法 E. 干烤法 [单选题] 由于决策执行过程存在不可确定的因素,同一个方案可能出现几个不同的结果,对每一种结果出现的概率做好预先估计,这种决策类型属于( )。
A. 程序化决策 B. 风险型决策 C. 确定型决策 D. 战术决策 [填空题]防护栅栏的设备管理由<工务部门>负责,治安管理由铁路公安部门负责。
[单选题]CRH380A统型动车组每节车厢车下设备舱内安装( )台客室空调机组。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交